Title: Something Special
Pairing: Ninomiya Kazunari x Aiba Masaki (friendship)
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I don't make profit with this.
Summary: It's complicated, but in a way, they are special.
A/N: English isn't my mother tongue, but I've been living in the UK for quite a time, so I basically write and speak well. You're welcome to correct any mistakes, though. Of course.
First of all Happy New Year to all of you ♥
Okay, after being upset with that stupid issue that the Tegomass fandom brings up over and over again, I calmed down a bit and decided to finally get the next drabble up.
This is for
ntta , who requested Aimiya. I am sorry it took me so long...!! I hope you still like it, sweety, and enjoy it a bit ♥ I like both of them so much and recently, I once again developed a soft spot for Nino *lol* He's just great!
So, this turned out a bit Nino-centric, I hope that's okay ^^;;;
Enjoy the read!
Something Special
“You’re an idiot.”
Nino rolled his eyes, but otherwise didn’t react to the statement. He kept on playing his Nintendo, frowning at the task he tried to solve.
“You shouldn’t have said that, you know.”
He glanced up, the frown got deeper.
“Sho-kun, I can’t concentrate with you bubbling nonesense right next to my ear.”
Sho gave him an indignant look. “Why did you have to say those things again? There was no reason to get that nasty.”
“Thank you for your wise words. I’ll take them into consideration”, Nino just answered and silently cursed, as he failed the task again, immediately restarting it.
“I am serious.”
Sighing, Nino looked up and gave Sho a tired look. “I am serious, too. Can’t you just leave me alone?”
“Can’t you just for once not ruin everyone’s day?”
Nino shut the Nintendo off and put it to the table. “Someone has to tell him when to stop.”
“Tell him is not screaming and saying unnecessary mean stuff.” Sho folded his hands, his voice calm and rather cold.
“I don’t know why he’s acting so childish now. I just told him to shut up.”
“Did you ever listen to yourself talking?”
Nino rolled his eyes. “What’s your problem, anyway? I didn’t yell at you, did I?”
“No, you didn’t”, Sho agrred. “But you managed to ruin the mood for everyone once again.”
“If Aiba is pissed, everyone’s pissed? Or what are you trying to say?”
“I’m trying to say that you are the one behaving childish. You know Aiba and you know he gets overly excited at times, so why would you snap at him like that?”
“Because he annoys me.” Nino got up and put his Nintendo into his bag. “It’s none of your business, so don’t always try to butt in with your wise comments.”
He went off and left Sho behind.
Great, he was just even more pissed now than he’d been before. And on top of that, he had not been able to win in his video game.
That just made it worse.
“You see, it’s quite easy”, Aiba said and pointed at the screen of Nino’s Nintendo. “You just choose that way instead of the other and pick up one of the stones there and when you come to the end of the road, you can throw that stone and open the gate like that.”
Nino lifted a brow. “How did you know that?”
Aiba shrugged a shoulder. “Matsujun played that game a few days ago, too. And he did it that way.”
Only about an hour had passed since Nino had had his conversation with Sho, but Aiba seemed to be his old self by now. He was just as usual, cheerful and bubbly.
As if nothing had ever happened.
“Then, I want to find another tactic”, Nino said. “If Matsujun used this one, I want my own, better one.”
Aiba laughed. “I won’t tell him you used his tactic to get on with your game.”
“You don’t get that.” The older one shook his head, moving the technical advice in his hands. “It’s for my own pride. I will always know Matsujun found the answer for me.”
“Like you didn’t solve the mystery yourself”, Aiba concluded and nodded. “That’s really important.”
Nino threw him a look, as if he wanted to find out whether Aiba was really serious, but the honest expression on his band member’s face told him, Aiba really meant it.
“That’s what it’s like”, Nino confirmed and watched Aiba, as he was called by a staff member and left the room.
Quickly, Nino used the tactic Aiba had just told him to get on in his game.
He didn’t have to let anyone know that he did. If anyone should ask, Nino would just say he found his own tactic and wouldn’t tell it. How he solved the mystery was his secret; he couldn’t risk anyone else using it.
No one would find out he hadn’t solved it himself.
Satisfied, Nino grinned to himself and as Aiba came back into the room, he saved the game, closed his Nintendo and waved the older one over.
“Aiba”, Nino said and put an arm around his shoulders. “Aren’t you going out with some juniors tonight?”
Aiba nodded excitedly, a bright smile on his face. “Do you want to come along?”
That was all Nino had wanted to hear. Grinning, he got up. “Thanks for inviting me!” As he left the room, Nino decided that Aiba wasn’t such a bad guy.
After all, he would pay for Nino’s drinks tonight.
:D Thanks so much for reading!
I hope you liked it! Next one is hopefully coming soon, too!! ♥