Title: A Helping Hand
Pairing: Tegoshi Yuya x Kazuya Kamenashi
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story. I don't make profit with this.
Summary: No one can be capable of everything.
A/N: English isn't my mother tongue, but I've been living in the UK for quite a time, so I basically write and speak well. You're welcome to correct any mistakes, though. Of course.
Okay, so, another drabble for the meme I took part in. I still have 6 more to write and I feel like I'll need another year @_@ I'll try my best!!! Promise!
This one's is a request from
nana_lytama ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
She requested a TegoKame drabble with the promt "Emergency". I'm not quite sure, if this is what you expected. You probably wanted some drama, but... with all the drama going on in reality right now, I couldn't write it. I decided for a fluffy version.
I hope you like it, my lovely sweetheart. Did I tell you lately just how much I adore you? I miss talking to you! ♥
And I hope everyone else is going to like it, too! Please enjoy it :)
A Helping Hand
Kazuya pressed the button next to the door and heard a faint ringing from inside, followed by the sound of metal falling to the floor. He frowned slightly and waited, until the door was opened.
It sounded like just one word and the person telling him didn’t even get in sight, he just disappeared straight after quickly opening the door.
Kazuya took off his jacket and followed the noise, making his way to the kitchen.
“You know”, Tegoshi said, as he tried to grip a pot from the stove, which’s content was boiling over the edge, “I thought about calling Ryo instead of you.”
“But?” Kazuya slowly moved to Tegoshi’s side, moving a button to put the heat down. Tegoshi’s kitchen looked like a mess; different pots and bowls all over the table, liquids on the floor, ingredients all over the place. And it smelled like grilled fish - grilled fish that had been grilled for probably an hour too long. He spotted Skull in the corner of the room, sitting on a single chair, watching his owner trying to get the situation under control.
Kazuya went over and patted the dog’s head.
“I couldn’t reach him. He just would not have picked up.” Tegoshi released a frustrated grown, as another pot spilled its contents to the stove now.
“You really didn’t exaggerate, when you said it was an emergency”, Kazuya pointed out, as he watched Tegoshi together with Skull trying to save whatever he had cooked.
“Then do something instead of standing there and looking stupid!”
Kazuya laughed. “Who do you cook for, anyways?”
Tegoshi turned, giving Kazuya a glare. “I’m just practising.”
“Because I lose to others, when it comes to cooking”, Tegoshi explained and released a shriek, when some of the boiling sauce hit his hand.
Kazuya hurried over and dragged Tegoshi with him to the sink, holding his hand under cold water. “You won’t ever be the best in cooking. Stay with soccer.”
Tegoshi pouted at him, but let Kazuya take care of his hand. “At least, I don’t want to be a total loser. I just want to be decent.”
“You can’t be good in everything, you know”, Kazuya told him and dried Tegoshi’s hand with a towel. “Of course I can.”
“You can try your best in everything, Yuya”, Kazuya corrected, “but that won’t make you actually capable of anything.”
“Will you help me out?” Tegoshi looked at him with pleading eyes.
“You want me to help you cooking?” Kazuya frowned slightly and let go of Tegoshi’s hand, putting the towel back next to the sink.
“Yeah. You could show me some things.”
Kazuya sighed. “I don’t have a choice, do I? I’m already here, anyways.”
Tegoshi beamed at him.
“Okay, so first of all, you want me to help you get this mess under control?”
Tegoshi nodded enthusiastically.
“Then, turn off the stove, take everything that’s in the pots and throw it out or flush it down the toilet, clean everything up and put it back to their places.”
Tegoshi frowned. “That doesn’t sound much like cooking, though.”
“You can call me, when you’re done with that”, Kazuya just added and turned to go to the living room.
“You won’t help me?” Tegoshi stood in his place for a moment, just throwing desperate looks to all sides, before he sighed and started to do as he’d been told.
Almost thirty minutes later, he came back to his living room and found a silly drama airing on TV and Kazuya lying on the couch, skull curled up at his tummy. They were both sleeping peacefully.
Tegoshi went back to his now perfectly tidy kitchen and opened the fridge to check what he could still use.
It took another hour, before he checked on Kazuya again. The older man was still sleeping and Tegoshi really wondered how he could just do that when he had promised Tegoshi to help.
He put two plates to the small table in front of the couch and then reached out his hand to caress Skull’s back. The dog opened his eyes and looked at his owner sleepily, before he hopped off the couch. Tegoshi watched him curling up in his basket, then he turned back to Kazuya and gently joggled his shoulder.
“Hey, wake up.”
Kazuya blinked his eyes and slowly sat up.
“Oh, I fell asleep.”
“Tell me!” Tegoshi feigned surprise. “I didn’t notice.”
With a groggy smile, Kazuya turned to him and shrugged a shoulder. “Sorry. Can we start?”
“No. I’m done already.”
Kazuya gave him a puzzled look.
“I made curry”, Tegoshi simply said and made Kazuya shift, so that he could sit down, too.
“It’s the only thing you actually can cook, isn’t it?”
“I can cook pasta, too.” The younger man handed him a plate.
Kazuya grinned. “Pasta is so easy-peasy.”
“Shut up.”
He did and they both watched the programme on TV, while eating the curry. Then, Kazuya turned his head to look at Tegoshi. “My curry tastes better.”
“I know.” Tegoshi’s voice sounded slightly irritated.
“This lacks spice.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
“But it’s okay”, Kazuya added. “I ate worse things already.”
“And still you yelled out just how tasty it is each time”, Tegoshi commented.
“Is there a camera here?” Kazuya looked around.
Tegoshi laughed. “No, there isn’t. You can just say that it doesn’t taste good.”
Kazuya grinned and nudged Tegoshi’s shoulder with his. “You’re not a loser in cooking.”
“You’re just...” Kazuya frowned and took another spoon-full of the curry into his mouth. “You create a total chaos when you’re trying.”
Tegoshi raised a brow. “Thanks.”
“You lack creativity.”
“It’s not the first time I hear that.”
Kazuya smiled and put his empty plate to the table. “But, for the next emergency you can call again. I’ll help you clear off the chaos.”
Tegoshi smiled in returned. “That’s kind.” He emptied his plate, too and then took both of them to bring them back to the kitchen. “Next time, I’ll just really call Ryo-tan.” He looked back over his shoulder shortly. “You weren’t much of a help today.”
Kazuya just laughed and leaned against the pillows, waiting for Tegoshi to come back. He didn’t think he should leave already; Tegoshi would surely be tired and this discussion wasn’t over yet.
He knew, despite all the talk, Tegoshi would definitely call again.
Thank you, everyone, for reading :)