Dang..I'd be a HOT surfer chick

Jan 17, 2004 22:28

Personality: I supose Crazy...or...uhh...I don't know Crazy 
Car or one you want: Something that runs
Room: awsome...Pink with black furniture
Shoes: Well, I own like a million but I wear my tennys and my boots
School: Is my life...Cause I have nothing else to do...
Bed: very tall...with White tiger print pillows and blankies...a lot of stuffies
Relationship with your parent(s): I love my mom...always will...Don't consitder me and my dad having a "Relationship"
Believe in yourself: not really
Do you believe in love at first sight? Not at all
Consider yourself a good listener: Yeah if it's something interestin..lol
Consider yourself a good friend: I try to be...but not sure if I have any
Pray: Not as much as I should
Believe: in what?
Like to make fun of people: No...not on purpose...I try to give everyone a chance..even though I slip
Like to talk on the phone: Matters who

Do You..

Like to drive: No i hate it
Get motion sickness: no
Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: yes
Dream in color: yeah
Type with your fingers on home row: actually yes...
Sleep with a stuffed animal: oh yeah

what is//are//was..:

Right next to you: a shirt...a birthday card from my brother and my cell
On your mouse pad: Our family portrate...of course it's the family...my dad's not in it...
Your dream car: again...something that runs...maybe a pink truck
Your dream date: Nathan Carter
Your dream honeymoon spot: England
Your dream husband/wife: ...Guess I will find out in the future...never drempt 
Your bedtime:10 lol
Under your bed: nothing at all
Your bad time of the day: 5:30am...I wake up
Your worst fear(s): dark, being alone, people not liking me, loosing everything that matters to me, clowns
The weather is like: really freaking cold...
The time?: 10:41
The date?: Jan 17, 2004
The best trick you ever played on someone: I haven't played too many tricks..i think one of them is duct taping stitch to the set last year
The hardest thing about growing up: Loosing the things you thought were your life
Your funniest experience: There are a lot of them
The silliest thing you've said: I've said some dumb things
The craziest thing that's ever happened while with your friend(s): well the scariest thing was at the carnival with stitch... *shakes thinking of it...* Note to self: never go ANYWHERE with out a guy
The worst feeling in the world:life
The best feeling in the world: Feeling that you've done something good...and to be loved


Number: 7
Color: pink
Day: used to be wednesday...but...I guess I don't have one
Month: I donno
Song as of right now:  The voice within~Christina
Movie: Romie and Michelle...(just watched it today)
Food: mmmm food... 
Season: Spring
Sport: is singing a sport?
Teacher: Swan or G
Drink: Sprite Remix or Ice tea
Veggie: Pickles!!!
TV Show: RFR
Radio Station: 89x
Store: Don't really have one
Animal: White tiger
Flower: don't have one...
City: Gatlinburg

This or That:

Me/You: you
Coke/pepsi: neither
Day/night: Night
Aol/aim: AIM
Cd/casette: CD
Dvd/vhs: vhs
Jeans/khakis: Jeans
Car/truck: truck
Tall/short: Tall
Lunch/dinner: Lunch
Britney/Christina: Christina...i love her
AE/Abercrombie: AE
Mints/Gum: Gum
Silver/Gold: Silver
Alcohol/Weed: Neither...

Love and Relationships:

Do you have a bf/gf? Yes
Do you have a crush?: Nathan Carter...(you know if he was like obtainable)
If you're single...give details: Not Single
Who was your first love?: True love never ends...but Tommy or Josh
What do you miss about them?: Tommy~trying not to fall asleep in his arms...the basement Josh~His partys...fighting over the radio

The Past:

What is the one thing you would change about your past?: Almost everythin
What is the biggest mistake you've made in your life?: Everything
Last thing you saw: My phone
Last thing you said: I love you too
Who is the last person you saw?: My mom
Who is the last person you hugged?: Patrick
Who is the last person you fought with?: Something big...I guess Stitch
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: Pat
What is the last song you heard?: Space~Something Corporate

The present:

What are you wearing?: a wife beater and my pj pants
what are you doing?: besides this? Talking to Nathan
Who are you talking to?: Uhh well, Nathan...
What song are you listening to?: Trading Spaces
Where are you?: In the computer room
Who are you with?: No one
How are you feeling?: *sighs*
Are you in a chat room?: nope


What day is it tomorrow?: Sunday
What are you going to do after this? I dont know
Who are you going to talk to?: My mom, Brandon, and Patrick
Where are you going to go?: my bed
How old will you be when you graduate?: 18
What do you wanna be?: On The stage...that's all I dream of
What is one of your dreams?: The Stage and love
Where will you be in 25 years?: Hopefully in New York preforming every night on Broadway...with my husband...and dogs...

have you ever:

Drank?: a sip
Smoked?: a puff
Had sex?: no
Stolen?: ...=-X
Done anything illegal?:hasen't everyone?
Wanted to die?: everyday
Hit someone?: everyday...lol


Do you write in cursive or print?: both
What piercings do you have?: 8 in ears
Do you Drive?: no
Do you have glasses or braces?: contacts and I just got my braces off
Did you like this survey?: not really..I guess
physical appearance: I supos I look human
How many fillings do you have?: none
Do you think you're good looking? not really
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?: yeah a lot
Do you look like any celebrities?: Someone told me I looked like Britney Murphy...but That's NOT EVEN ClOSE


Do you wear a watch?: nope
How many coats and jackets do you own?: 2
Favorite pants/skirt color?: Jeans/red 
Most expensive item of clothing?: the dress I bought for Gale's wedding (that I never wore)
Most treasured?: I don't know
What kind of shoes do you wear?: my tennys and my boots
Describe your style in 2 words: Hoodie and jeans...most of the time...when I want to preppy..


What does your name mean?: Reaper / Harvest
How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?): I'm mature when I need to be
Why would you wanna act old? I don't
Describe yourself in 5 words: confused, lost, longing, fun, talented?
What are your worst qualities: everything
what are your best qualities: my eyes


Do you dream at night?: sometimes
Do you remember your dreams?: yes
Describe one: most of them are scary...ok, last night I drempt a reoccuring dream...(no one is going to read this..nm)
What time do you wake up on weekends?: whenever …

ok...that was THE longest thing I've ever done...

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