OOC; app post

Jan 01, 2010 00:00

Out-of-Character Information
Name: Iyo
Are you over 15?: yes
LJ username: ask
AIM: ask

In-Character Information
Name: Spinarak
Game/Series: Pokemon Gold/Silver/Crystal/Heart Gold/Soul Silver
Age & Grade Level: 14, Sophomore
Date of Birth: May 7th

Personality: This Spinarak is a very, very quiet one. Typical? Probably. She is a spider, after all. She isn't mute though; as soon as she takes a human form, she will gain the ability to speak. But as a Pokemon, she's quiet as heck. The only thing you'll probably hear while she's in her Pokemon form is the tiny clicking of her six legs. She's quiet, even as a human, where she only talks from one word to three words at a time, often speaking in fragments. This is only when she's speaking, though. When she writes, she write heck a lot more than how she speaks, and she even puts in lots and lots of smileys. Being a wild Spinarak, though, she doesn't have a really nice grammar skills, so her sentence will still come out as fragments.

She also has (or will have) a limitation in facial expressions as a human. The expressions she always made as a spider was always on her back--err in technical terms, her abdomen. As a human, it applied to her back, and humans don't make faces with their backs. She does understand the concept of making an expression with her face, but it's completely new to her, so she rarely does it in front of people. She does face the mirror every day to practice, though. She keeps a few paper-made masks with the basic expressions of happy, sad, and angry, along with a few others, just for when she needed to show a quick expression instead of trying to make the right face for ten minutes.

Her limitations in showing facial expressions may not show it, but she's a really shy and timid little girl. First impressions are very crucial to her, and if this new potential friend scares her in any way, she tries to avoid getting near that person forever by hiding behind various objects and people that are nearby at the time of encounter. Things that generally scare her away are fire and birds. People who can talk forever and things that generally confuse her get her intimidated, but not enough to scare her away. But once you get past that, she'll eventually open up and start giving you hugs that she might hold onto you for hours straight.

She is a very, very patient girl. She will keep on working on things she's not good at to get better and won't give up. If people don't understand what she's saying, she'll keep on trying until the person gets what she's trying to say. If there is something she doesn't understand, she will stay on that one thing until she completely understands it. She doesn't like to give up on things so easily.

The one thing that will set her off is if you call her "creepy" or "scary" or something similar along that line, in which she will put on an angry mask and stomp over to you, or purposely get closer to you if she is in her Pokemon form. But it probably wouldn't help her situation if she's walking a little too quietly, hiding behind objects, staying still until someone comes along, or sometimes scaling up walls forgetting that she's not a spider and up falling down, due to the fact that she's not athletic enough to be scaling up walls.

While she's incapable of making expressions on her own face (yet), she's very fascinated with the exotic expressions the masks make, not to mention all the pretty colors on carnival masks. One of her hobbies is to make and collect masks. Making masks take too long though, so she rarely works on them unless there is absolutely nothing to do.

Speaking of hobbies, she likes sightseeing and people watching. On really nice days/nights, she would stay out as long as she can to sit on a tree branch, hallway corners, or at the corners of ceilings and just watch people go by. This is what she likes to do most of the time, since she likes to sit around and do nothing. She's also slightly curious, so sometimes she would spend her time reading picture books in the library. Comic books would probably be her favorite kind of book because there is so little writing and lots of weird faces. She prefers to stay away from textbooks with heavy writing in them, but whenever she wants to know about something she'll take one in hand and read it...even if it takes an entire day to read. Another minor activity she does is to do research on poisonous plants and herbs used to make poisons.

Spinarak was just like another wild Spinarak living in the National Park of Johto. She hid around in the darkest parts of the trees during the day and wandered around in the grass during the night. She did her best to fight off the Pidgeys, Hoothoots, and other various Pokemon that were also living in the park, using her face on the abdomen and spider webs to slow them down while she shuffled away. Since the Park was near Goldenrod City, there were lots of people who visited this place throughout the day, especially on days where they held the Bug Catching Contest. She made sure she was well away from the humans by staying right outside of the park boundaries on those days since people didn't seem to take notice of things around there except one certain person who picked up items that were dropped there, and watched various people of all sizes run around the place to catch the best bug Pokemon. Oh, what silly people they were...! But they seemed to have a lot of fun, with happy smiling faces...

The curiosity of the humans was what got Spinarak to venture out of the somewhat protected National Park and into the world of unknown. She ventured into Goldenrod City, where she was amazed by the scenery of so many tall buildings all in one place. She did see a glimpse of the buildings from the top of the trees while she was in the National Park, but she was quite surprised and intimidated by the towering gray things. Not to mention the fact that there were a whole lot more people in the lively city...!

This whole new outlook gave the little green spider the urge to see the world. It was difficult to be on her own, especially of being a wild Pokemon and in constantly in danger of getting attacked by a mean trainer or a mean Pokemon... and then she caught a rumor of Smash Academy.

A place to train up and to be able to see new things? There were even rumors that things change around in the place every day! How? It sounded like a fantasy world! Spinarak immediately set off for this magical place by sneaking onto a train that headed towards there with large hopes that she could someday become strong enough to go on her own adventure to the rest of the world.

Anything Else?:
- poison sting
- string shot
- Scary face
- night shade

Spider Web will be her final smash. Won't do any damage, but the web will slow people down/decrease jumping ability for a little bit.

- Since Spinaraks can naturally learn Psychic, she should have some psychic abilities, but very limited amount of it. She'd have to train herself A LOT to gain that ability... Night Shade causes the foe to see a mirage, so she already has a tiny bit of special attack thingy?
- TIMID NATURE: she can run away quicker than most spinaraks but her attacks suck like crap...but even with the increased stat, she'll probably still be slower than other pogglemons. She likes sweet berries but hates spicy ones.
- As soon as she acquires her human body, she'll stay in her human form throughout the day. She turns into her spider form during the night for better eyesight, though.
- She has Insomnia. She almost never sleeps. She'll take really short naps throughout the day, but that's all. She's a night-owl, so she's more active at night.
- She is 5 ft tall in human form
- Crystal version actually do have Spinaraks showing up at night in National Park.

app post, ooc

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