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Comments 119

kicher August 4 2010, 13:25:07 UTC
Erster!! muahaha


yumiko_okahawa August 4 2010, 13:26:11 UTC
*lach* Glückwunsch XD
Viel Spaß beim lesen :) ♥♥♥


kicher August 4 2010, 13:46:41 UTC
Oh, ich scheine im richtigen Moment gekommen zu sein :D

EH? Beide ... Mirai? Huh?! Du willst misch verschaukeln, oder? Ich meine ... Oh mann -.-
Ich bin ehrlich gesagt, etwas sprachlos. Irgendwie könnte ich den beiden mal eine vor den Latz geben, andererseits sag ich dann auch, wenn man sich wirklich nach so langer Zeit und so vielen "Ausrutschern" nicht sicher ist und nicht will, dann sollte es vielleicht doch nicht sein?
Na ja, ich warte drauf, was du mit ihnen machst :D

Ich hab überigens meine Noten bekommen und sind alle super XD Da kommt dieses GEschenk gerade richtig!! *freu* ♥

Danke für dieses super schnelle update, ich komm gerade irgendwie gar nicht dazu :(



yumiko_okahawa August 4 2010, 13:58:17 UTC
es sieht ganz danach aus :D

Ja, beide... mirai. ich meine, ja, Kame war ja vorher schon in sie verliebt und vielleicht geht es ihm grad nicht anders als in dem Moment, als er Jin wiedergetroffen hat. Wenn so alte Gefühle einen einfach wieder übermannen.
Und jetzt ist er sich wieder unsicher, denn... er will es nicht so tun wie Jin und einfach mit beiden was haben. Der fakt, dass er Jin aufgibt, dass er es ihm sofort beichtet, zeigt eigentlich schon, dass er Jin weniger verletzen will, aber das hat Kame selbst noch nicht so durchschaut XD

Ich freu mich für dich :D Mir fehlt noch eine, bisher ist es ganz gut gelaufen- bei einer bin ich echt nur ganz knapp durch, aber ich sag mir: hauptsache durch, die noch einmal schreiben... ich würd sterben XD
Ich freu mich aber, wenn bei dir alles gut lief ♥

ich hoffe, du kommst danna uch bald zum schreiben <3
hab vielen Dank fürs Lesen~~ <33


lanheart August 4 2010, 13:29:50 UTC
really, going into circles?
why is it every time jin is going to break up with her something happened?
although jin is two-timing her, i don't approve of her doing the same lol
looking forward to the next update


yumiko_okahawa August 4 2010, 14:00:39 UTC
Yeah, they totally move in circles, coming abck to each other, abandoning each other all the time, again and again.
But thsi was the last time~ Now, things are going to change.

Well, she seems to be insecure, as well, with finding that something ebtween her and Kazuya suddenly klicked, but the way she came to Jin shows that she's confused with that.

Thanks a lot for reading, I am happy you enjoyed it :D ♥


keeaneegan August 4 2010, 13:31:31 UTC
oh my....
this is getting complicated....
i hope you'll have another free times and you'll update soon..


yumiko_okahawa August 4 2010, 14:01:30 UTC
It's surely veeeery complicated v-v
Thank you, I'll try to update as soon as I can again ♥

Thank you so much for reading! <3


aishayue August 4 2010, 13:33:25 UTC
spot for meh!!! dinner time!!

will read later.


yumiko_okahawa August 4 2010, 14:01:44 UTC
enjoy your dinner ♥


aishayue August 4 2010, 14:39:27 UTC
sigh. hell, why my heart is soooooo saaaddddddddd????
but i really agree to kame-chan, his ways and the way he sees love and how fair he goes with it. it's endearing.

and jin, kame's right, you have to find out what you really want and who do you want beside you.
i know, but starting a relationship with a heart full of insecurity will lead to many heartaches...

(can i strangle that Mirai girl?XXDD)

so happy you updated coz i really love this fic so much. XD it's heartbreaking, and sad, yet...i love it (maybe coz i love angst, though with happy ending.)

thank you for sharing ^-^


yumiko_okahawa August 5 2010, 10:39:19 UTC
I'm sorry >_< This is frustrating, indeed, but from now on... well, it will go on depressing for a bit, but between Akame, things are going to get better!

The way it is now, they wouldn't be able to start a proper relationship, you're right with that. They both need to figure out first that it's really important to them what they share...

Haha, please, don'zt strangle her, she's not really at fault... not more than Jin or Kame are!

Thanks so much for daying that, I am very happy you like it that much! ♥

Thanks so very much for reading <333
Much Love ♥♥♥


bellemainec August 4 2010, 13:39:28 UTC
*glares* *slaps Kazo over the head* *slaps Jin over the head* *sighs*

Ok..so Jin *should* have promised to break up with Mirai...but at least that was his plan..

Kazu *should* not have embraced Mirai but for god's sake Kazu - grow up. You apologised to Jin for minimising their feelings, you agreed to the reality and strength of your feelings - and then you saw a girl you had a crush on and now suddenly you are all confused, and willing to break Jin's heart again through some misguided "can't do that to him?" At this point, I am very sympathetic towards Jin's not going to be there when Kazu gets his head together.......Kazu is only proving that Jin cannot trust him - forget about whether Kazu can trust Jin.

*slaps Kazu over the head again*

You know Mirai, mentioning a name at any point during that conversation with Kazu and Tegoshi would have been useful... *sigh* akame fangirl part of me is growling at her to get the hell away from Jin as well, but I am keeping it under control somewhat... *glares at you* *gives you ( ... )


yumiko_okahawa August 4 2010, 14:08:42 UTC
*cuddles both of the boys* They're just confused with their feelings ( ... )


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