Jesus is tha bomb digity. all agreeing say : " WHOOOOOOOOP!!! " t [that is tysons letter... he just typed that] "hey push my letter sydni1!!!!!!" tyson tyson just wrote his name uhyu uau7aa7ahhuoi 3jg8rr5u8jhu9iihgt that was tyson! we gotta go!!!
[i made this all got crazy marguee so that tyson would get a kick outta it.
oka. green_isthe_rad is back and working. i decided taht i dont wanna go through the hassle of making a completely new one like that and i just need a new layout for this one. muchos love to yall and Jesus is freaking awesome.
i am in BCIs right now. AGAIN! because AJM is amazing. and jlos party was flipping rad. THE CONCERT WAS SO DAAAANG AMAZING THAT I CANT EVEN PUT INTO WORDS HOW AMAZING IT WAS! AAAHK!!! AMAZZZZING!!!! WAAAMAMAMAA YEAAA!!!!!!!!
11 o'clock bed time now. that is reeeeeeeeeeeeeely LAME!