Location: The streets of Hillview and off toward the apartments.
Characters: Gabriel (not the angel), (Senor) Khan
Warnings: Typos. No, nothing. Unless boys smiling at boys disturbs you...and these boys smiling might.
Khan Noonien Singh, known as John Harrison as of late, found himself in a strange world yet again. He had expected to remain in that stasis pod forever, but here he was, awake once more. This time, however, there was no Admiral Marcus around. There were people. to be sure, but they all seemed to ignore him as if he weren't there. Interesting.
One Gabriel Gray hadn't exactly been in this area for too long, yet, he felt oddly at ease in his new surroundings. You could argue that he was thriving even. It hadn't taken long, and after a few minutes of desperate, or maybe gentle suggesting, that no matter what, he could figure out any kind of machinery that needed some work. He had, infact managed to fix a couple little things around for some credits, and that led him to his task for today. He had a room, but he was going to need some basics to eat. Sure, his muscles would regenerate before he'd actually die of starvation, but he didn't really want them to have to. So, once he had a couple bags full of things, he started heading back to the apartment building.
Turning a corner, that was when he came into contact with another human. At least he assumed he was human. He held two bags, in which he could tell held some kind of food. He watched him approach, wondering if he would ignore him like the others or not. Something about this one was different, however.
Gabriel hadn't exactly been planning to run into anyone. Though, he paused, looking up, only to find another man staring at him. That was strange in itself, since most people could care less about him. Still, he didn't bother to stop, just altered his path to ensure he'd walk around him, giving him a small nod before walking past. It was hard to tell if that was normal or not...
So. He was different and didn't ignore him. Lips twitching, Khan moved so he was in this man's path again. "You aren't like the others around here. Dare I ask where you are from?"
Pausing, Gabriel tensed slightly. He'd expected the guy to move on, but it seemed he took notice more than planned. He looked over his clothes, but he couldn't really tell if he was from here or someone like him. "New York." It was a simple enough response, and after a beat he added, "and you?"
"So, not from here then." That proved his hypothesis at least. "Ah...that is a loaded question indeed. Let's say...London." It worked as well as any other. It was, after all, where he'd spent most of his time after Marcus had woken him from his slumber. "Can I safely assume that neither of us is from this place then? The locals seem...quite intent on ignoring anything but themselves."
"No..." He shifted his weight from one foot to another. He supposed London could probably account for the weird way this guy was talking, or maybe he was just from a different time period. "They seem to be like any other people... They don't like what's new and they don't understand. They seem to warm up after some time. Others are more helpful than most." He considered for a moment. "I can show you to the apartments. The man that owns them is sympathetic to those in our positions."
"Would you? That would be much appreciated." Khan smiled, using all of his considerable charm. No use in making enemies, at least not right away. And this man might be able to help him. He wasn't sure how yet, but he needed to keep his options open.
Giving a small nod, Gabriel simply moved around a little to head back the way he was originally going before he got stopped. He was heading there anyway. It couldn't hurt to point out the office to this guy before heading back to his own apartment. He seemed nice enough. "I'm Gabriel, by the way."
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Gabriel. I'm....John Harrison." His real name was a little too...hostile sounding. After all, Khan was a bit too...volatile. What comes to mind with such a name? Even if this guy didn't know about his kind, there was always the reference to Genghis Khan.
A tingle, and he hesitated for a beat before he continued walking. The apartments weren't too far, but it was enough of a way that Gabriel was pretty sure silence would feel a bit awkward. So, he started. "So...what did you do before you came here, John?" Small talk.
"Before?" Hmm...what was safe to tell him? The cover story he'd used when he was doing work for Marcus should work. "I was a member of Starfleet, working in research and development as an engineer and designer mostly. What about you?" He followed along, half of his attention on Gabriel and the other on his surroundings.
He raised a brow at the name starfleet. It felt like something he'd heard before, but he couldn't be certain. He couldn't quite place it. Instead he opted for thinking about the best way to describe his situation. "I was between jobs..." You couldn't really apply for anywhere with a background check when your name was on FBI lists as a suspected serial killer. "Before that I fixed watches, clocks...other small mechanical trinkets that people brought in."
"A clock and watch maker? That must be quite a soothing profession. I'm sure you must be very good at what you do." Soothing...and boring as hell. But he was too polite to say that, at least right at this moment. "My work wasn't so peaceful I'm afraid. As engineer and designer, I was charged with designing various weapons and ships for our arsenal. For protection, of course."
Gabriel wasn't sure soothing would have been the word he'd have chosen, but he didn't really have an alternative lined up, so he said nothing. "Of course." He gave a small nod, looking back over at him. "Seems like you'll be missed from your job."
"Oh, I'm sure they'll find someone else to create their toys of destruction." Khan smiled, shrugging his shoulders. "But yes, I'm quite sure they'll be looking for where I've gone." Once they discovered his stasis pod was empty, they most certainly would be searching for him.
He paused. Did he just say protection...and now destruction? It probably wasn't the time to comment on it, though. Weapons, defensive or not, were still weapons, he figured. "That's good...I guess. Maybe they'll find you and you won't be stuck here long."
"Well, you know the military types. They say one thing but mean another." He knew them very well. "It might be good if they didn't. At least, if that were to happen, then they wouldn't be able to corrupt my designs."
"Corrupt your designs?" Something this guy was saying wasn't really adding up. Then again, Gabriel had seen his share or weird weapons meant to stop his kind, he could only imagine what people might be doing to others in some other world.
Khan shrugged. "It's unimportant, at least now that I'm here. I will miss my family, but I'm certain they are safe." Hard not to be when stuck in a stasis chamber for three hundred years.
Gabriel considered it for a moment before nodding. He couldn't really gather how this guy would know, but he wouldn't press. He could just be that optimistic. "Well...the office is the first door over there." He paused after stepping inside the building before looking back at him. "I guess I'll be seeing you around, John. I'd offer my number...but I don't think they have cell phones here...or at least not like I'm used to."
"Cell phones...yes." Whatever those were. Perhaps they were like communicators. "Thank you for your assistance. It has been very much appreciated and I hope to reciprocate in the future." Khan smiled, amused at himself that he actually did feel that way.
Gabriel nodded, lips quirking into a small sort of smirk before his expression melted into a more simple smile. "Yeah. Maybe someday." He nodded, turning a bit to head for the lifts before turning and looking back, but making a point to move, even if it was only a couple small steps backwards in his choice direction. "I'm in 315. If you need anything...or want." He nodded, a little, maybe even smiling a bit to himself, turning to continue on to the elevator.
Khan couldn't help but smirk and he didn't bother to hide it. "I'll remember that. Thank you, Gabriel. I will see you...soon." Very soon, if he had anything to say about it. He turned his head once the lift was gone, spotting the door Gabriel had indicated. Time to start things rolling.