Location: Park
Characters: Khan (John) and Sylar (Gabriel)
Warnings: Boys kissing, and...idek maybe more. You were warned.
So far, Gabriel's day had been going well. He'd done a little bit more, and had an interview lined up for later in the week for something that would be more solid in the ways of the job world. It was strange, to be sitting there outside, late fall but in mild weather, without a care in the world of who saw. No one knew him as Sylar here. He was just Gabriel, sitting with John, his long black coat keeping his butt from getting too chilled. Regeneration skills aside, he was still human...mostly...something...whatever. He took in a deep breath, comparing even the scent of the air to New York. It was so different. "My mother collected snow globes when I was younger. It's sort of strange that it hasn't snowed here, yet." He looked over at the man beside him, curious, before reaching into his pocket, fingers carefully tearing open the small red packet. "Did it snow often in London?"
"It was known to snow during winter, but not too badly." Khan remarked, pulling his own black coat around him. He hated the cold. It reminded him far too much of deep space and how he and his people had been left adrift so many years ago. He'd gone around the town in his spare time, getting acquainted with everything. People seemed to warm up to him when it became clear he had engineering knowledge. Not that he really cared about such things as jobs, but it was a way to mingle with the population.
"It would get pretty bad back home, but almost everywhere in the city was busy, so they were fast to clean it up." He nodded, thinking. It felt like forever since he'd seen his last winter there, even if it hadn't. He could argue it was something about the culture shock of whatever had happened to put him here. At least, it didn't seem he was horribly alone. He couldn't complain. He could, however, nudge and pull his fingers across the red packet to open it length wise. After a quick push at the plastic he reached in to pick out several of the red ones to pop into his mouth. Maybe he was one of those people that ate all of one color first. Nothing wrong about that. "Want some?" He turned a little, moving his hand to hold up the small bag.
Blink. Strange, circular pieces were inside the wrapper. "What is it?" Khan came from a society that was struggling to come back from a horrible war. Such things as candy wasn't something that was widely circulated among the population. "We didn't get too much snow since there was climate control. Usually we'd only get snow if it was something needed or for a festival or something similar."
"Candy." Because really, that was the only explination needed. After a quick dusting of his palm on his jacket he reached over, taking Khan's hand seemingly without any sort of thought to anything but the simple act of pulling it over to dump out a few of the skittles onto his palm. He'd even sacrifice some of the reds and purples for him to get a proper tasting. "It seems weird to have everything climate controlled. Takes away from the whole...living thing doesn't it?" He pulled back shaking the bag a little before picking out a few more of the reds to pop into his mouth.
"I agree. Technology. Sometimes it hinders more than it helps." Khan tilted his head, staring at the pieces of candy in his hand. Candy was something children ate, not adults. At least, in his time and even then it was scarce. He picked up one of the red ones and brought it up to his face. There was a sweet smell to it. Touching the tip of his tongue to it, he was amazed at the sweetness. A hint of cherry.
Gabriel looked thoughtful for a moment. It was easy enough to push away the thoughts. "You sound like you don't have a fun relationship with technology...they put you in the wrong place, hm?" He smiled a little, mostly to himself. "All the robots here...weird things I've only ever seen on television. Things seemed so much simpler in my world." He turned to look at him, to offer the smile, only for it to falter at what he was doing to the skittle. Though, the shock of it only lasted a couple seconds before he was grinning, and rather widely, voice coming out amused. "Just put the whole thing in your mouth and chew. I wouldn't eat them if they weren't good."
"If you insist." Khan placed the skittle onto his tongue and chewed. Hmm...it was rather delicious. Swallowing, he reached for another, this one a green. "They are quite good. Ah...technology. It created who I am today, and yet. It also is the reason I've been separated from my family."
Watching him eat it, Gabriel grinned all over again at the reaction. No one could like..hate skittles. Even if you didn't love them, you couldn't really dislike them. Just something about them. "You know...saying it like that makes you sound like part robot or something. Like the terminator."
Khan couldn't help but laugh. He did recognize that phrase. "In a manner of speaking, you could say that. My family...my crew and I were part of a government program many years ago." Three hundred to be precise.
Once digging around in the bag didn't offer any more red ones, Gabriel started on the purples, picking out a few before offering the bag again. "Government programs... Any kind of programs experimenting on people should probably just never happen. Guess humanity is flawed everywhere." He made a bit of a face, chewing thoughtfully. "So....are you a robot? You look pretty fleshy to me."
Grinning, Khan took some more of the candy. "No, I'm not a robot. My genes were genetically altered. I was originally created to become a type of...super soldier but we proved to be of far greater use besides warfare."
Gabriel gave him a look over, even if it wasn't like he could see anything through his clothes. Sadly, nakedvision or even xray, weren't on his currently list of abilities. That would be fun, though... but only for a little while...and even less if you couldn't turn it off. "Super soldier....so what can you do?" Really, all Sylar could think of was comic book characters or men in video games. Captain America? This guy? Maybe. Captain London.
Smirk. "Everything." Which wasn't far from the truth. Physically and intellectually, he was superior in every way. But people tended to get annoyed and angry when one said this often enough. Khan shrugged his shoulders, as if it wasn't anything important.
Gabriel raised a brow, turning his head to look at him with a sort of disbelieving look. But...there was no tell tale tingle. So...he either legit believed it...or maybe it was real. "Can you fly?" This brought a smirk. Flying...he could do.
"That depends on your idea of flying." Khan continued to smirk back at him. No one could really "fly" as it were but he could certainly do a fairly good approximation of it.
Taking a moment to think about it, Gabriel reaching in for another skittle, picking out another of the purples before looking back at him. "What's your definition? The sort of flying that you can do?"
"I can pilot just about any kind of ship. And then there's the combat type." It was rather hard to describe really. Being able to leap into the air quickly and effortlessly. It really did feel like he was flying half the time.
The word ship gave Gabriel pause, but he recovered quickly enough. Just terminology, after all. "Combat type... So. If you're really some kind of super soldier...does that mean you're bullet proof?" He sat up a bit more, picking out a pair of skittles to pop in his mouth before offering out the bag again, scooting himself around to face Khan better, showing his sudden interest. It wasn't quite the same as before. He didn't feel that desire to steal this guy's differences, as such. Then again, he didn't know how far they reached. It was just his own ability manifesting in a hunger...but not for blood...just knowledge...for now. He definitely didn't want to mess up whatever sort of life he might have here by attempting to kill someone...assuming he even could.
"Bullets...how crude." Did this society still use such primitive weaponry as bullets? Sad, truly sad. "Not bullet proof, per say. Such things can penetrate, but I have a very high pain threshold so it wouldn't stop me." Taking some more of the candy, Khan popped them into his mouth. He marveled at how easy it was to talk to Gabriel. And he didn't seem to be at all bothered at what Khan was saying. There was no fear in him; a big plus.
Gabriel raised a brow. What kind of weapons did this guy make if he thought a bullet was crude? It was pretty much the most effective thing in Gabriel's time...save for someone like himself. It was pretty hard to stop him, if he was allowed to have an opinion. But...this guy could feel pain. That was saying something. He wasn't immortal....or a robot. "Would you heal?" Gabriel looked down at the little bag just long enough to pick out a few lingering purples and oranges before handing the bag over to him, having had his fill for the time being. If Khan wanted them, he could have them. "Do you bleed? That sort of thing?"
"Oh, absolutely. In fact, my blood has certain...healing properties." There had been that little girl, and of course, Kirk. Oh, what he would have given to see that. Just to see the look on Kirk's face when he realized that he owed his very life to Khan. What did McCoy call it? Super Blood? It was good as any name for it, he supposed.
Now that....that he could relate to. Claire. Hadn't they used her blood on someone else to heal? He was pretty sure they had, and he had her ability. So, in theory, his blood could do the same now. Maybe they weren't so different. Captain London and ...Sylar. It wasn't exactly a good hero name, but so far it was the only alias he had. He looked down for a moment, letting that information settle before looking back up to Khan. "Stick out your tongue."
What an odd request. But he didn't sense anything dangerous, so he shrugged and did as requested. Gabriel seemed to be a fairly decent guy; nothing had sent any alarm bells off as of yet.
Gabriel shifted, leaning in close to stare right at...a strange and indescribable color painted over Khan's tongue. It was pretty much what he expected, but amusing none the less for it. He let out a soft, thoughtful, hum, eyes narrowing just slightly in concentration.
Khan blinked, suddenly feeling unusually self conscious. What was Gabriel staring at? He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at the other. First this strange request, then the even stranger look on Gabriel's face.
Gabriel couldn't read minds, but he could tell by that look that there was a question just waiting to be asked. He shrugged. He couldn't be sure what that question was, but he had a pretty good idea. "You've eaten a lot of skittles...I just wanted to see what color your tongue is."
That sent an alarm bell ringing in his head. Khan stared hard at Gabriel, then down at the pieces of candy still in his hand. "Is this something normal that this...candy does?"
Staring for a couple seconds, it took him a moment to realize that yeah, he didn't eat much candy. "Yeah. It happens with almost everything you eat. Artificial food color is in almost everything."
"This is not normal." Or maybe it was, here at least. Khan shook his head, closing his mouth and staring at the candy again. So many strange things in this place. "Strange things. It shall take me awhile to get used to them."
"It's supposed to make food more visually appealing." Gabriel gave a small nod, moving his tongue around inside his own mouth, reveling in the aftertaste of fruit and sugar before freezing, staring pretty intently at Khan's mouth, letting his thoughts wander for a moment.
There was that look again. Khan eyed Gabriel, wondering what was so fascinating about his mouth. "Those that need such visual help are weak." Food was food. Who cared what it looked like?
"Most humans are weak." He nodded once, leaning in. He couldn't be sure what made him do it. This place, he reasoned. He felt light, loose, comfortable in a way that sunshine and fresh air could do after living in a city like New York with it's seemingly never ending polution. He leaned in, absent mindedly licking over his lips before closing the distance between them, lips barely touching Khan's, eyes closed halfway, as if curious to see some kind of reaction, even if he was too close to properly make it out.
"Indeed." Khan couldn't help but agree. He'd yet to meet a human that wasn't weak and useless. For the most part, they were without merit and he'd never had any problem killing or disposing of them if the need arose. However, Gabriel wasn't quite like any other human. perhaps it was because of his "powers" as he called them. The innate abilities within him that made him so different. Nevertheless, such closeness could not be condoned, not without his permission. He barely felt Gabriel's lips on his when he reached out, his hand surrounding his neck and squeezed, pushing Gabriel onto his back as he ever so quietly began to choke the life out of him. "Never do that without my permission again."
Gabriel had certainly met his share of humans he deemed below himself. It was sort of strange how his views had changed over time, mostly while being trapped within his own mind. Still, he probably should have expected a negative reaction from Khan. Still, he gasped when he was pushed back, the ground suddenly feeling a lot more cold and hard than it had while he was just sitting on it. He tried to swallow, chest heaving with the effort to attempt to draw air. He could feel the muscles of his neck being crushed, it hurt, his lungs were starting to burn. He opened his mouth but couldn't find the breath to say them with. He wasn't even sure what he would have said if he could. So, he just stared, not really frightened, because hell, he'd come back from worse, but this...was not a fun way to die. This would leave a bruise...on a normal person, and he could practically feel each little capilary burst from his rising blood pressure and increased heartrate. So, he did what he could, he glared and moved his hands to try and push him off, even if he couldn't. Super strength...was definitely not one of his abilities.