I keep wondering about this. Like I don’t want to believe it, especially since it seems like such a fad nowadays. Like apparently this is something popular, and that bugs me to no end. It’s such an important decision for a person and people just treat it like any old shoe craze or something. I’ve had such a hang up on this probably since I was a sophomore, and I’m still not sure. There’s obviously the one thing that’s holding me back, but I don’t even know how real my feelings on that are. If those were serious, then all my other thoughts would be obsolete, but since I don’t know I’m more confused than ever. That one thing holding me back makes me so happy, but I still can’t deny my feelings for this. My mom asked about it once, and instantly the thought seemed crazy, but the more I thought about it, the more I knew I was lying to her, and more than that, to myself. This shouldn’t be such a big deal; it wasn’t at all for him, but still. I feel like he’s just following a trend, too, and I really don’t want to do that. It doesn’t help that it would be so stereotypical for me to do this. I’ll just keep thinking about it and wondering, and maybe when I graduate, act on it, but for now, I just don’t want to face this.
I’ve come to a big revelation about things in my personal life that are really good. I actually just fell upon it last night while I was trying to fall asleep. It definitely helped me to just move on from everything. For now, until this revelation wears off, I’m perfectly happy with accepting everything that’s happened in my life and that’s cool. I feel at peace somehow (and I also feel like a goofball for writing this. :P)
In other news, I got one college acceptance from Norwich University and I’m still waiting on more. I’m a little worried because my financial aid stuff is late for my top choice school, but there’s nothing I can do about that until my mom decides to give me her information. Nothing else going on in the realms of school that I can think of.
Things with David are developing, and that’s about all I feel like saying. He makes me happy. :)
Uhh yeah. That’s all. I just felt like posting. :)