"there were ppl like honking at us and like checking us out it was really funny!! and creepy!" ^sorry to inform u but i doubt guys were checkin out u and kathleen!
w/e....you were not there, so don't say that something that you don‘t know isn’t true. People probably wouldn’t check you out either! We wouldn’t know though, considering your stupid and didn’t leave your name...o well.....just shows what type of person you are....
kaithleen i n0w lyke n0 0ne in their right mind w0uld check 0ut u and jess ur b0th fricken fat and gr0ss please 0nly h0tties lyke me get checked 0ut well actully i bet a guy w0uld ch00se any0ne but u tw0!! i feel fricken bad f0r tyler hilbrand he pr0b 0nly went 0ut with u cuz he lykes his girlies big and butch!
alright, stop righting so much shit about people and them getting checked out or not..its so fucking stupid...how the hell do u know that some guys dont check them out..they are both pretty...everyone is in their own way...AND LOOKS DONT MATTER!...so stop saying shit
Comments 11
'You be Katie, and I will be Neil'
'Fine, your not kool anymore!' 'When was I ever?'
And more too, but I can't say them here....
^sorry to inform u but i doubt guys were checkin out u and kathleen!
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