Yoric and I have a favorite game, called "Why do you love me?" It has several variations, the 2 most popular being 1) one of us will ask "why do you love me?" and the other has to answer in the most creative way possible (possible answers range from "insanity" to "because"); and 2) we'll enumerate the various ways we're unworthy of the other's love
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I am a reader of fanfiction. I think it's a healthy outlet for fans, and more often than not, the fans are more, if not equally, careful in their handling of their favorite characters, more so than the original writers are
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*sigh* I got up this morning to a rejection email in my inbox. On the plus side, it did say I made the decision very hard for her. At least, I think that's a plus. She also said she'd keep my resume on hand. I'm hoping that's true and not just platitudes
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Yoric and I have been working our way through the Star Trek Universe. It's been our goal to watch the series in CHRONOLOGICAL order, so we watched Enterprise last year. Was a much better series than a lot of people gave it credit for, really
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