you know it's spring and you're out of shape when you sweat profusely on the way to class.

Mar 28, 2005 13:40

i have been nauseous every morning and night for over 2 weeks. despite how much i love not stuffing my face in the morning, i do it throughout the day anyways. i really don't enjoy making the trip back to school feeling like im going to puke. ugh if it's not my failing lungs its something. and no im not pregnant ha ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

loyan March 29 2005, 01:42:47 UTC
what church were you at, because it sounds liek St. Pat's because i was there


greendayfreak March 29 2005, 02:03:49 UTC
our lady of refuge...pretty close hah. i just felt so out of place lol when everyone was drinking the wine out of the same cups i was just thinking...this is a great way to spread mono. yeah i am weird haha.


(The comment has been removed)

greendayfreak March 29 2005, 16:27:49 UTC
hahaha i bet there was, i can just see you bringing some coke up there with you to chase the wine haha, i prolly would have gagged if i had to drink it.


anonymous March 30 2005, 01:59:32 UTC
You shouldn't worry. Our Lady of Refuge wouldn't have floaters in the wine. St. Pat's on the other hand, is a whole different story.


greendayfreak March 30 2005, 02:06:26 UTC
even if they don't have floaters, your church has an old pastor man with THE most monotone voice and worst singing on earth....if he said "forever and everrrr" one more time i would have died. and i am making you a funfetti cake whether you want it or not.


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