Jun 23, 2005 01:00

So i watched an old batman movie with munky earlier.....then i haaad to go find some quotes cuz they're so kickass. :-D

Batman, Robin, Commissioner Gordon, and Chief O'Hara consider which supercriminal might have been behind the fake yacht and exploding shark attack.]
Gordon: Could be any one of them, but which one? W- which ones?
O'Hara: [gasps]
Batman: Pretty fishy what happened to me on that ladder.
Gordon: You mean, where there's a fish, there could be a Penguin.
Robin: But wait! It happened at sea! See? "C" for Catwoman!
Batman: Yet… an exploding shark was pulling my leg!
Gordon: The Joker!
O'Hara: [It] all adds up to a sinister riddle. Riddle-er. Riddler?
Gordon: Oh! A thought strikes me! So dreadful I scarcely dare give it utterance.
Batman: The four of them. Their forces combined…
Robin: Holy nightmare!

Batman shows the Polaris-delivered riddles to the Commissioner and Chief.]
Batman: Look at this pair of joking riddles!
O'Hara: [reading] "What does a turkey do when he flies upside down?"
Robin: He gobbles up!
O'Hara: Of course!
Batman: And, number two.
Gordon: [reading] "What weighs six ounces, sits in a tree, and is very dangerous?"
Robin: A sparrow with a machine gun!
Gordon: Yes, of course.
Batman: Now, combine both answers. What… kind of… creature would gobble up a bird in a tree?
O'Hara: Heaven protect us!
Gordon, O'Hara: [in unison] A cat!
Batman: Yes, gentlemen! The criminal cat-alyst in this entire affair! Our old… arch-enemy… Catwoman!
Gordon: Penguin, Joker, Riddler… and Catwoman, too! The sum of the angles of that rectangle is too monstrous to contemplate!
Batman: We've been given the plainest warning! They're working together to take over…
O'Hara: To take over what, Batman? Gotham City?
Batman: Any two of them might try that!
Gordon: The whole… country?
Batman: If it were three of them, I would say yes, but four? Their minimum objective must be… the entire… world.

Batman reads Miss Kitka's riddles to Robin.]
Batman: One: "What has yellow skin and writes?"
Robin: A ballpoint banana.
Batman: Right! Two: "What people are always in a hurry?"
Robin: Rushing people? Russians!
Batman: Right again! Now, what would you say they mean?
Robin: Banana… Russian. I've got it! Someone Russian is gonna slip on a banana peel and break their neck!
Batman: Precisely, Robin! The only possible meaning!

[Batman and Robin spy the Riddler's latest missile-delivered clues.]
Batman: "What goes up white, and comes down yellow… and… white?"
Robin: An egg!
Batman: "How do you divide… seven-teen apples… among… sixteen… people?"
Robin: Make applesauce!
Batman: Apples into applesauce… a unification… into one smooth mixture. An egg… nature's perfect container… the container of all our hopes for the future!
Robin: A unification and a container of hope? United World Organization!
Batman: Precisely, Robin!
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