Thank you for writing a story in one of my fandoms! This automatically makes you one of my most favorite people! :)
Generally speaking, I like stories that end happily, and, well, none of my fandom choices are depressing to start with, so, can I ask for happy rather than sad? Bittersweet or wistful is fine, however, just not a very depressing ending.
I am generally a fan of AUs, crossovers and crack, if that's your thing. If something more in the tone of canon is more according to your idea, then that's fine too!
I'm happy with gen, het, slash and femslash, as well as all ratings.
This is my delicious if you want an idea of what kind of stories I like.
Disney Princesses Belle/Jasmine/Mulan/Pocahontas
I'd also love to see Esmerelda and Tiana featured! Perhaps in a heart-warming Disney-type fairy tale? I'm absolutely fine with femslash, gen, AUs and crossovers, but I prefer happy endings, and more glossy than gritty.
Usually I ask for Christmas stories, but considering the characters I've requested, that would be... a little odd. I'm definitely down with winter holiday stories though! And I forgot to mention that I also love Lilo, Nani and Boo, if, you know, you really want to include a manymany characters. I would like the story to focus on the girls, but if you want to include their boys in the story, that's fine!
(Most things are fine, to be entirely honest)
Penny Arcade
Geeky fun times, please! Slash is awesome, but I'm also fond of Kara and Brenna, so gen or het is also fine. And I love my MacBook, so Charles is, of course, a favorite.
I also kinda love Frank. I'm not really a gamer, but if you want to spend 1000 words having Gabe and Tycho rant at each other about a video game they loath (or love) I'm totally okay with that!
RPS: The Dresden Dolls Amanda Palmer/Neil Gaiman
The holidays Palmer-Gaiman style? Honestly you could write anything featuring these two and I'd be thrilled, for they are adorable.
Here, considering it's Palmer and Gaiman, macabre and morbid and fantastic is definitely encouraged!
I would love anything similar to the comic in tone and heart, because it is precious.
...Basically that.
Feel free to ask questions through the mods!