oh holy hell

Aug 06, 2002 22:50

So I've watched The Edge of Quarrel like four times now. I'm really that amused by it. Plus every scene that Derek's in makes me drool. And Dann is actually a great actor. Rocky...he was pretty good but it was Dann that really impressed me. Anyone else seen it ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

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greeneye99 August 7 2002, 12:23:06 UTC
I have no idea where that is =)

Any helpful hints?


lateoutthedoor August 7 2002, 01:11:42 UTC
Glad you have been enjoying the Edge of Quarrel, that's like one of my favorite movies. the acting is so terrible, it's great!!

god, don't the divore just rock your ass?!? i know they do mine!!


greeneye99 August 7 2002, 12:23:45 UTC
I love The Divorce, I just wish they would treck their asses down to Olympia and play a show. =)


murdercitygirl August 7 2002, 11:22:42 UTC
haha, i used to be so obsessed with watching the edge of quarrel. good times!


greeneye99 August 7 2002, 12:25:40 UTC
It's totally good times =)


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