
Feb 01, 2005 17:19

ok so its my first day off in a while. and i'm going out of mind ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

woopski_woop February 2 2005, 02:12:23 UTC
AIM hates you...

...but jesus loves you


greeneyedbaby16 February 2 2005, 02:58:08 UTC
awww that was cute woopski haha


afrodytee February 2 2005, 03:48:58 UTC
who wasnt happy to see you?


greeneyedbaby16 February 2 2005, 16:02:25 UTC
it doesnt matter lol.. it was nice to see you though!!! :-D


rainingangel February 2 2005, 05:38:56 UTC
Hey! I saw you today at lunch (if you were at the vending machines?) But I thought it might scare you if I pounded on the window suddenly...
I'm using one of your ideas for an english presentation; I hope you don't mind! I made sure to tell my group that I shouldn't get credit for the idea :)
Remember the halloween party in 7th grade or something? You started out in a sleeping bag and evolved into a bug? Yeah... we're walking into the room like that! (Well, I'd prefer to do a crawl on the floor, but if I ruined my sleeping bag I'd be screwed.)
Okay then... wow long comment. I hope that your day is going okay!


greeneyedbaby16 February 2 2005, 16:01:45 UTC
awwwww hahahaha i remember that!!! omg.... that seems like so long ago...

what project is it?


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