A while ago, I replied to a whole bunch of drabble requests on my regular journal, and I'm finally getting around to posting them. *shrug* I had fun.
Enjoy, under the cut.
Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. Any real people featured belong to themselves.
1. Ten/Rose. AU GitF
The last thing The Doctor expected was for Rose to show up. But there she was, standing in the crowd of French noblemen and aristocrats, wearing an elegant blue dress he recognized from the TARDIS' wardrobe. Slowly, he let go of Reinette's hand, and wandered over to her. "Dame Rose," he asked with a small grin. "May I have this dance?"
2. Ten/Rory Gilmore (Doctor Who/Gilmore Girls)
The Doctor grinned happily as he walked down Stars Hollow's main drag, past Luke's Diner and Doose's, hands in pockets, Rory at his side.
"What's the goofy smile for, Goofy Boy?" Rory asked, nudging him.
He looked at her, absolutely elated. "Your Mum didn't slap me!"
3. Ten and Lorelai (Doctor Who/Gilmore Girls)
"Pick a color!"
The Doctor gave his latest companion a confused look.
"Luke says I have to have a color picked out for the living room by tomorrow, but I can't decide, so I'm leaving it up to you. Come on. 900 years of experience. What color would look best in this room?"
He glanced down at the paint chips, disgusted. "How many times do I have to tell you? I don't do domestic!"
4. Ten/Lits (Doctor Who/Gilmore Girls fandom)
The Doctor arched an alarmed eyebrow at the whispering going on from the jump seat.
Fizzy, Ali and Leigh were whispering.
"Okay, you hold him down."
"I wanna hold him down!"
"Fine. You hold him down. I'll get the bondage rope to tie him down."
"You have bondage rope?"
"Please, who doesn't have bondage rope?"
"Fine. Whatever. You hold him down, I'll get the bondage rope around him, and Ali, you take his pants."
They giggled.
5. Jess/Rose (Doctor Who/Gilmore Girls)
"Need a hand?"
Jess looked up from under the hood of his car to find a blonde standing over him, teeth biting her lip, brown eyes curious, wearing a tank top and jeans.
"No, thanks," he said sceptically.
The blonde looked over his shoulder. "Looks like you might have a carborater problem." She pointed at the steaming engine part.
Jess furrowed his brow. "You know what a carborater looks like, huh?"
She grinned. "I've dated a couple mechanics." She bumped his hip with hers. "Budge up. Let's have a look."
6. Ten/Inara (Doctor Who/Firefly)
Inara flopped back onto the mattress, glistening with perspiration, trying to catch her breath. "I thought you said you hadn't done this in a long time."
The Doctor grinned and nuzzled her neck gently. "I haven't. But...nine hundred years' experience...I suppose it's a bit like riding a bike, yeah? Not that...you're a bike. Not at all. And even if you were, you'd be a very beautiful bike...But I'm not implying that-"
She kissed him harshly. "Shut up and do it again."
7. Simon/Rose (Doctor Who/Firefly)
"Your arm should be fine in about a week."
Rose smiled at the young doctor. "Thanks f'the help, Doctor..."
"Tam," he replied. "Doctor Tam."
"Doctor Tam," she nodded. "I'm Rose."
He nodded. "Yes. Well. Try not to put any strain on that arm."
She pouted as he walked away, and her Doctor walked up.
"You're as bad as Captain Jack, you are," he said. "Come on. We've gotta get movin."
She sighed and took his hand with her good one and let him lead her out, still pouting at his leather-clad back.
8. Ninth Doctor and Dawn (Doctor Who/Buffy)
The Doctor groaned as he bounded through the TARDIS' vast halls. "DAWN?!"
He got a muffled reply from the direction of the wardrobe.
"Typical." He rushed off. "Where are you?!"
He swung open the doors to wardrobe, and found the teen tangled up in a very long, colorful scarf.
"Typical," he repeated. He pulled her out of the scarf. "One of these days...I'll find someone who won't wander off. One of these days..."
9. Rory and Dawn (Gilmore Girls/Buffy)
"I spy with my little eye, something that starts with...B."
"My sister's behind me, isn't she?"
Rory nodded.
"And I just called her a self-centered fashion victim, didn't I?"
Rory nodded again.
Dawn sighed. "Maybe if I don't turn around, she'll go away."
Rory shook her head.
Dawn pouted. "Fine."
10. Willow and Rose (Doctor Who/Buffy)
"I guess you must come here often."
Willow nodded as she laid down some flowers on the grave. "Not as often as I thought I would, but I do."
Rose set down the flower she'd brought, looking over Tara's hedgestone. "She must have been lovely."
"Yeah," Willow smiled, sniffling a little. "She was."
Rose smiled back and wrapped her arms around the redhead.
11. Tara and Ten (Doctor Who/Buffy)
Tara laughed a little as The TARDIS landed, jolting her right off of the jump seat.
"O-one day you'll have to learn to land."
The Doctor looked offended. "I can land!"
She gave him a pained look. "I'm on my butt."
He sighed and bounded over, helping her to her feet. "Come on."
"Where are we?"
"Salem, Massachusetts," The Doctor grinned. "We're gonna save a couple of witches from being burned at the stake!"
Tara smiled.
12. Ten/Fred (Doctor Who/Angel)
The Doctor grinned as he sat down next to his latest traveling companion. "You know? You're absolutely right, Winifred Burkle. Tacos are good!"
13. 10/Rose post Doomsday AU
Rose winced as The Doctor placed a pack of ice on the swollen bruise that was quickly becoming worse on her forehead. She'd lost her grip on the lever just as the void closed up, sending her crashing into the wall. There were worse things than bruises, she decided, looking into The Doctor's worried eyes. Much worse things.
14. Ten/Bugs Bunny
"I'll do it," Bugs said as he strapped a stick of dynamite to the sonic screwdriver. "But I'll hate myself in the morning."
If anyone has more pairs or little ideas for drabbles they'd like to see, drop me a line in the comments.