That's right! It's time for my approximately-once-a-year-but-really-whenever-I-feel-like-it Shipping Survey! This is the third time I am posting it and, like the last time, there are a few new questions to keep it interesting. But a lot is the same. So maybe people are sick of this, of answering the same questions yet again, but there are some new names on my f-list for whom this may be a first. I would still love to hear from every person who is willing to share. And I swear, one of these days I am going to use the data to write a meta essay, I just need to think up a good angle.
Poll Shipping Survey III In addition to the questions in the poll, I would really love any additional information about people's shipping habits that they are willing to share.
What are your ships?
Do you mostly ship slash? Het? Both equally?
Do your ships follow certain patterns or have commonalities?
Will you pimp this poll out to other people so I can get more feedback? Pretty please?
Thank you so much to anyone who contributes in any way!
In other news, I finished The Hunger Games and am moving on to Catching Fire. I won't lie, my feelings about this awesome, awesome book (and the characters therein) is part of what made me want to do this survey again. I love fandom investigations and would love it so much if a lot of people responded. If only there was a big, non-specific fandom community to post this to... Oh well, I'll take whatever I can get.