Name: Fae
fae_of_the_roseContact:; AIM and Plurk are buddies only.
Character Name: Rikku
Series: Final Fantasy X/X-2
Gender: Female
Age & Canon Point: 16, a year after FFX and before FFX-2. She’ll come from landing in the Thunder Plains to work on her astraphobia.
Requested Sponsor: Amethyst
Entry position (Cadet, SeeD, Instructor, other): Cadet
Wiki Link right here.
Abilities & Physical Abnormalities: Rikku can hold her breath underwater for insanely long-it’s kind of a thing in Spira, especially for divers and blitzers. However, Rikku still can’t hold it for as long as some. She’s also a fairly skilled pickpocket, very fast and agile, as well as a skilled chemist (for a Spiran, at least). Most of her chemical creations end up being used as explosives, however. As far as physical abnormalities are concerned, though, the only odd thing about Rikku is that she has green eyes with spiral pupils, which are an Al Bhed trait. (Some might also say that Al Bhed hair grows insanely fast, as in the space of two years she goes from average length hair to a whole mess of it, and her half Al Bhed cousin gets a ponytail that’s longer than she is tall in the same space of time.) She’s fairly skilled with claws, knives, and projectiles, particularly those that blow up. She really likes blowing things up.
Personality: The biggest part of Rikku’s personality is her spunk. She’s excitable and hyper, always wanting to do things and meet people. She’s very childlike in her enthusiasm, which can sometimes lead to her being childish, such as whining incessantly at her friends to take a break when they were on the Thunder Plains and her astraphobia was making her useless. (Granted, she had a good reason for wanting a break, but it took a lot of whining and pleading to get the rest to agree to it.) She has the most fun when she’s creating something or messing with machina-machines-or doing some crazy stunt. And if her hijinks can cheer someone up, all the better. Rikku doesn’t like it when her friends and family are depressed, and she’ll do her best to make sure they get un-depressed super quick, even threatening to (or actually) kidnapping them to take them somewhere fun and not bringing them back until they’re happy. Those who refuse to get happy get pouted at and called a “big meanie”. She’s insanely loyal to her friends and family, and if someone even thinks about harming someone Rikku’s close to, they had best hope they can outrun her and her machina.
Rikku also cannot stand the idea of people doing something just because it’s always been done that way. If whatever it is they’re doing makes no sense, why continue to do it? Why not find a new way that does make sense? This goes double for things that lead to her cousin thinking the only way to help people is to go on a needlessly elaborate suicide mission. Rikku spends a good part of Yuna’s pilgrimage trying to think of a way to stop Sin and keep Yuna alive, and eventually helps come up with the idea to sing at Sin so the party can get inside it (long story).
A big part of Rikku’s philosophy is to live in the now, and to go straight for the source of the problem if you can find it. Memories are nice, but you can’t relive them, and there’s no point in wallowing in them. If they’re good memories, you can look back and laugh but it’s no good wishing for the past once it’s gone. Especially if the past kind of sucked. She is also very much a “see, feel, do” person. If you see a problem and know how you feel about it, go do something about it and don’t wait for someone else to do it. This has led to some…tiny problems, such as getting her ass kicked after kidnapping her cousin to save her from the suicide mission.
Rikku has a few self-esteem issues, mostly stemming from the fact that her cousin saved the world and found someone to love (even if Tidus did go poof, the big meanie). Yuna is pretty, composed, and popular; Rikku is skinny, hyper-active, and clumsy. Yuna’s respected, while Rikku can barely get her crush to use her name. She’s not jealous of Yuna-she idolizes her and is incredibly protective of her-but she feels like a kid compared to her cousin, and isn’t sure what she wants to do with her life, or if she’d be any good at anything other than salvaging machina. She does want a family, with lots of kids, but the thought of commitment makes Rikku nervous, so she shies away from it for the most part.
What are your plans for the character in-game? While Rikku will never really be good at military stuff, I’d like to try and see if having just a little more structure in her life won’t help her figure what, exactly, she wants to do with her life. I also want her to geek out over every little awesome piece of machina, but that’s a given.
Anything else? Rikku is bilingual-speaking Al Bhed and whatever the common language of Spira is/English. She’s good at remembering to speak English around non-Al Bheds, but when she wants to keep something secret or is nervous/scared, she’ll slip into Al Bhed. Also, with the point I’m taking her from, she’s frightened of thunder, snakes, and needles.
i) IC Questionnaire
(As this questionnaire is entirely IC, your character is free to lie.)
What do you prefer to be known as? Rikku!
How old are you? About sixteen. I’ll be seventeen soon, too.
Do you have any history in combat? A little! There’s a lot of fiends on Spira, so I’ve have to fight them off, on land and underwater.
If so, have you ever killed? ….kinda sorta? Mostly just fiends, but I was there when Yunie and everyone killed Seymour, and I sorta helped. Oh, and we killed Sin and Yu Yevon, but they kinda weren’t human.
i) How do you feel when you get involved in some project that calls for immediate and rapid activity? Excited! It’s boring to just sit around all day! [a pause] Though I kinda have a tendency to panic sometimes, so that’s no fun. But I can keep pretty calm when I’m fighting or trying to make something blow up!
ii) Do you organize and initiate leisure activities? [A giggle] I can’t organize my socks. But I love dragging people off to have fun! The more the merrier, after all!
iii) What role do you take when working in a group? The fast one? Is that a role? [Rikku shrugs, biting her lip] I’m usually either blowing stuff up or handling machina. Brother calls me a cheerleader, so I guess I’m moral support?
iv) How talkative are you around other people? [Rikku just giggles again] I get told to shut up a lot, does that help?
v) What three things would you want to have with you on a desert island? State your reasoning. [She just makes a face] Huh? I grew up on one of these-Bikanel’s one giant sandbox! I’d want the water extractor, my hover, and an emergency survival kit we leave around the island all the time. Think it’s kinda obvious why I want those things…[Another face] What kinda question is that, anyway?
vi) Is it important to be liked by a wide range of people? Nope! If you try to make everyone like you, you’ll just get worn out. But it’s nice to have a lot of friends.
vii) When the odds are against you, is it worth taking a chance? If I didn’t believe that, Yunie’d be dead and Sin would still be a problem! Of course it is!
viii) Do you consider yourself to be an impulsive person? [The question makes Rikku a little sulky, and she crosses her arms, pouting] Well, I don’t, but a lot of other people do. Just because I accidentally blew up one teeny old shrine that wasn’t gonna get any people praying to it anymore when I was trying to get that coeurl, everyone thinks I’m impulsive! Using the super-ultra powerful bomb seemed like a good idea at the time!
ix) Would you agree that planning things ahead takes the fun out of life? Sorta? If you’re planning a surprise party, then of course not! But sometimes it’s best just to let everything go and have fun!
x) Do you like surprises? Only the good kind. Not the kind where your brother is holding your prized machina in pieces going ‘surprise’ because he’s a big clumsy meanie and broke it, or the kind where your cousin is getting married to a dead guy. [A shudder] That’s just creepy.
xi) Do you sometimes wonder if there is something wrong with you? [Rikku looks away and just mutters in Al Bhed.]
xii) Do you consider yourself to be smarter than your superiors, and disagree with their decisions? Only if they’re being really stupid, like my pops. Granted, even Brother’s smarter than Pops sometimes, so…yeah. But if they know what they’re doing and aren’t being completely and obviously stupid, nope!
xiii) Lastly, how do you feel about cabbages?[For a moment, Rikku just gives the interviewer a Look] …What kinda question is that? They’re cabbages. You grow them, they smell funny, people eat ‘em. I don’t like ‘em, but other people do. Is there, like, a cabbage rule here? Do you have to eat cabbages to fit in? [A disgusted face] I’ll deal with being unpopular again if that’s the case. Blech.
iv) Thread link
I have a lot of Rikku accounts