For Friends Only

Nov 26, 2007 22:19

My own belief is that there is hardly anyone whose sexual life, if it were broadcast, would not fill the world at large with surprise and horror.
- W. Somerset Maugham

It was nice imagining that I could post my opinions, stories about my life, and information about myself on LiveJournal and yet still remain invisible. Unfortunately, I learned that I can't.

First example: back in August'07, I wrote a letter to a friend, and copied it here, in which I complained about the service provided to me (and 60 of my associates) by his company. While it was meant to just go to him, there were logical reasons for posting it here as well.  However, as I later learned from him, within 16 hours of me posting it one afternoon, the PR department at his work had ganked a copy of it from the net, and there were print outs of it on a number of people's desks the next morning.  Apparently, PR and HR departments of large companies regularly search the web for new information and criticisms about the companies they represent.

Second example: back in September'07, I posted a brief lament about the behavior of an ex-bf and former friend.  It was meant to go to no-one.  It was a rant for me, a chance to get it off my head, and I even put it behind an LJ-cut so that only the truly curious would bother to read it. Eventually, someone (thanks whoever you are!) pointed it out to my ex, he read it, and he sent me a FLAMER of an email about it in November.  *Sigh* Well, there goes one more nail in the coffin lid.

In order to really use LJ effectively, I need to maintain the illusion of my own little protective bubble, the concept of my own little private space.  Prying eyes, and snippy opinions don't allow that.  Hence, my journal is for friends only.  If you're curious about me, just drop me an email, friend me here on LJ, and I'll friend you back.

(Original Post Date: Nov 26, 2007)

sententia, amicus

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