Powerless against Mother Nature
Paul Sheehan | May 21, 2007
It is 6pm, already dark, on a winter night. You arrive home from work and unlock the front door. You turn on the light switch. Nothing happens. The house remains in darkness. No switches are working. The fridge is off. So is the TV and the computer. You go into the street and see other homes are in darkness.
You curse yourself for not having bought candles. You curse the government that is supposed to maintain the basics of life. In an instant, everything that has been taken for granted is open to doubt.
This is the world of "brownouts", when the electricity generated by the power industry is no longer adequate to the demands made by the population during the hours of peak demand. It is a world we risk entering next year if the winter rains and snow fail again. Because a shortage of water must lead to a shortage of power.
On the Sydney Futures Exchange, the market, concerned by the lack of rain and lack of future investment, has driven a dramatic run-up in the price of electricity. The forward price for a megawatt hour of electricity for NSW in 2008 has doubled in less than five months.
What are we doing about it? We are waiting for rain. Thanks to years of inertia and denial, there is no other choice. Australia has thus become the first advanced economy in the world to be dependent on the weather.
What if the past 10 years are a signal of the future and not a deviation from the past? Even if the drought breaks this year, we have lost our certainty over water supply.
Experts in the electricity market told me last week the possibility of power cuts in NSW next year is now realistic without meaningful winter rain. Snowy Hydro reports water storage in its system is down to 8 per cent of capacity. Last week the CSIRO released a report warning of power cuts if the existing disconnect between the water supply and demand continues. (The report, Infrastructure and Climate Change Risk Assessment for Victoria, was commissioned by the Victorian Government.)
We are reduced to waiting for rain, not just for the farmers, not just for the dam levels in the Sydney catchment area, but for the power stations, mostly coal and hydro, which have a voracious appetite for water. So what, exactly, are we doing about it?
We are not building dams. When was the last time a large dam was completed in NSW? Every proposal to build a dam is now met with a deluge of opposition on environmental grounds.
We are not building significant coal-fired plants. Australia may be sitting on a mountain of coal, but coal-fired power stations take a lot of time and money to build and a lot of water to operate. (Victoria's three biggest coal-fired power stations alone have a water allotment equivalent to 20 per cent of the entire annual household water consumption of Melbourne.) The power industry is unwilling to invest in baseload plants (big plants for the national power grid) in the absence of a secure regulatory regime of carbon taxes, credits and offsets.
We won't privatise power production in NSW because the unions run power generation in this state, not the Iemma Government.
We refused to privatise the Snowy Hydro. After the NSW government announced it would sell its 58 per cent share in Snowy Hydro, this caused such a public uproar that the Howard Government caved in last year and scuttled the sale. Snowy Hydro is now unable to fund large new investment and has abandoned a plan to build a new hydro power station.
We do not want nuclear power. Once again, Australia is sitting on a mountain of uranium, but there is also a mountain of rational, and irrational, political opposition to any nuclear power plants operating in this country.
We refuse to pay the true consumer price for energy because the true cost of water and pollution have never been factored into costing. And so we are not serious about developing new large-scale energy sources.
On January 29, this column described the departure of David Mills, this country's leading authority on solar thermal energy (as distinct from solar voltaic cells, the kind we are being encouraged to put on top of our homes for domestic heating). Mills told me at the time: "Australian business does not offer the risk equity we need, especially under the current climate in which the government clearly favours existing coal and nuclear options based around mineral resources. The Federal Government refuses to put in place strict emissions targets … and reliable long-term market valuations for carbon emissions are avoided."
Last week, I contacted Mills to see how he was progressing. His company is busy building a solar thermal power plant in California. It has plenty of heavyweight investors.
He doesn't know if he is facing boom or bust, but he does know leaving Australia was the only option: "The real issue in Australia is a lack of environmental ethics in governments and their electors. I have heard no encouraging noises from the main parties." (Note his inclusion of the term "electors".)
Mills believes there will have to be a dramatic rerating of the real costs of energy production, which will make existing coal and nuclear technologies much more expensive relative to some alternative fuels being developed: "By 2010, the fossil-nuclear crash will begin in earnest in the Western nations, and a few years later in China. Who will want to build conventional power plants when you can build solar plants as cheaply?
"We used to joke that the only way to change Australia is to change the USA. It is now no joke."