Wow, haven't updated in along time. Lotsa stuff going on, school mostly, been playing the iRO beta, which is down as it moves to phase two, but oh the Everquest it calls again
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I'm getting kinda sick of listening to my roomate have sex with his girlfriend that I don't like. Both of them are extraordinarily shallow and stupid individuals and the thought of them accidentally producing equally shallow and stupid offspring makes my stomach heave. They should go to where she lives or something
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I could not update this for a year and people would still be posting the same kind of stuff on their livejournals when I came back. People are predictable for the most part. No...really. So read your history, kids, you'll learn shit
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Jordan's party was fun and I got to spend a lot of time with Kt this weekend. It's hard to head back up to school when you have a girlfriend like her at home.