
Sep 27, 2012 23:37

[Player information]
Player Name: Rachelle
Age: 24
Other characters played at Cape Kore: None!

[Character information]
Name: Bruce Banner and the Hulk
Canon: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Canon Point: Shortly after The Avengers.
Age: 40s. (And like, five or so for the other guy.)

Appearance: With his small frame and graying blackish-brown hair, Bruce doesn't look very intimidating, and he doesn't worry too much about his clothes (putting the "casual" in "office casual"). Just so long as they're clean, they're fine by him, which means he'll wear something until it's worn through, and tailoring is a luxury that doesn't particularly interest him. He looks and carries himself like your typical professor or kindly doctor, both of which he is usually. Except when he gets angry. Then you might not like what he turns into -- a massive, indestructible green monster who prefers to be called the Hulk and can't always be reasoned with.
- one pair of reading glasses
- a worn leather wallet containing a fake ID, a real ID (recently issued), a credit card for a fake ID, a real credit card (recently issued), and money from a few different places
- comfortable brown shoes, comfortable khaki pants (comfy because they're a smidge too large), a purple shirt, a worn brown jacket (also a smidge too large) (and socks and underwear)
Abilities: (Information adapted from here unless otherwise stated.)
- "As Bruce Banner, he is considered one of the greatest minds on Earth. He has developed expertise in the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, and physiology, and holds a" Ph.D./M.D. "in nuclear physics." His research focus is on the health sector.
- "Bruce also makes use of his intelligence to create highly advanced technology labelled as 'Bannertech'," which won't get him far here, but does explain how he doesn't do such a shabby job of setting up labs while on the run.
- He has some limited control over the Hulk's movements, usually only when Bruce is having a strong emotional reaction.
- He's conversational to fluent in several languages: Spanish, Arabic, Hindi, Urdu, Bangla, and Portuguese.

The Hulk:
- The Hulk possesses the potential for limitless physical strength depending directly on his emotional state, particularly his anger... After probing, the entity Beyonder once claimed that the Hulk's potential strength had "no finite element inside." His durability, regeneration, and endurance also increase in proportion to his temper...
- The Hulk is resistant to most forms of injury or damage. The extent varies between interpretations, but he has withstood the equivalent of solar temperatures, nuclear explosions, and planet-shattering impacts.
-- Despite his remarkable resiliency, continuous barrages of high-caliber gunfire can hinder his movement to some degree, and this has been consistently portrayed outside the comic books, in both live-action films and animation.
-- He has been shown to have both regenerative and adaptive healing abilities, including growing tissues to allow him to breathe underwater, surviving unprotected in space for extended periods, and when injured, healing from most wounds within seconds. As an effect, he has an extremely prolonged lifespan.
-- More on breathing underwater: The Hulk's body also has a gland that makes an "oxygenated per fluorocarbon emulsion", which creates pressure in the Hulk's lungs and effectively lets him breathe underwater and move quickly between varying depths without concerns about decompression or nitrogen narcosis. (From the Marvel wiki.)
- The Hulk's powerful legs allow him to leap into lower Earth orbit or across continents, and he has displayed sufficient superhuman speed to match Thor, and Sentry." Naturally this won't get him very far at Cape Kore, but he'll sure try and it'll sure piss him off.
- He also possesses less commonly described powers, including abilities allowing him to: (1) "home in" to his place of origin in New Mexico; (2) resist psychic control, or unwilling transformation; (3) grow stronger from radiation or dark magic; (4) and to see and interact with astral forms.
- The Hulk can slam his hands together creating a shock wave, this shock wave can deafen people, send objects flying and extinguish fires. His thunderclap has been compared to hurricanes and sonic booms. (From the Marvel wiki.)

History: The following comes from this page. I'm taking out mentions of dissociative identity disorder as it doesn't seem to factor into the MCU.

"Bruce's parents were Brian and Rebecca Banner. As a child, Brian, along with his mother, was subjected to severe psycholigical and possibly physical abuse from his father. Brian felt his father was a monster and was afraid that he had inherited the monster gene also and had no plans to have any more children so that he would not have the possibility of doing to his children what his father did to him. During college, Brian met and married Rebecca who was anxious to start a family. Brian never shared his personal history with her or of his desire to never have children. He was the youngest person to graduate from his college with a Ph.D. and he got his degree in physics. His post-graduate options were unlimited but he settled on going to Los Alamos to work on a government project to find a source for clean nuclear radiation. The stress of the job led Brian to start drinking which also led him to become more erratic and quick to anger with Rebecca and his fellow employees. After one night of excessive drinking, Brian tried to work on his project and accidently caused an overload of the equipment. Brian was court-martialed and released from the project. Even though he was behind a shield when the overload occurred and multiple doctors examined him and found nothing, Brian still felt that some amount of radiation go through and affected his genetic structure and was even more convinced not to have any children. Brian eventually found a job and started to try and pull his life together when Rebecca announced that she was pregnant.

Rebecca had problems during the pregnancy although what the complications were are not known. After the birth in Dayton, OH, Bruce was kept in extensive care for observation and examination but the doctor's found nothing out of the ordinary. He was also examined for any trace radiation due to Brian's exposure but none was detected. Brian, still thinking that something was wrong with Bruce, would try to spend at little as time as possible with him. When Brian and Rebecca would go away, they would leave Bruce with a nanny who showed no affection or attention towards Bruce. On Christmas morning, when Bruce was approximately four years old, he woke up early and snuck down to the Chrismtas tree. He opened one of his presents, which was an erector set. He managed to put together a very intricate structure in little time. Brian came down and smashed the structre, saying that Bruce was a freak and that someone his age should not be able to do that. He thought that the radiation had altered his Bruce's brain, making him super-smart, and would have probably killed Bruce had Rebecca not come into the room at that moment. Rebecca tried to get in the way and Brian hit her. When Bruce tried to run to his mother, Brian hit him also. Brain looked at Bruce and called him an inhuman monster. It was finally now that Brian admitted he never wanted a child. A few years later, after much physical and mental abuse to both Rebecca and Bruce, Rebecca packed suitcases and tried to leave with Bruce. Brian catches them at the car before they leave and starts to struggle with Rebecca. Bruce yells to his father to let his mother go and that he will be good but Brian throws Rebecca to the ground and kills her. Bruce runs to her side and just sits there beside her lifeless body. During the resulting trial for Rebecca's death, Bruce tried to cover for his father but Brian was overheard gloating over the fact that he had forced his son into lying for him. Brian was sentenced to a mental institution and as he was taken away, he yelled at the young Bruce that he would get him for this.

Bruce was sent to live with his mother's sister, Mrs. Drake. When he grew older, he attended Science High School."

(And now, my own ideas, adapted from canon!)

Bruce was often bullied in school for being a nerd -- even among other nerds, a competition thing and all -- and his difficulty in relating to other people made it hard for him to make too many friends. In high school, though he primarily focused on science, he also took Spanish as per the language requirement; he really enjoyed it and continued on with it until the end of school, achieving some level of fluency. He was pretty angry and isolated as a teenager, but his friendship with his cousin Jennifer Walters and his relationship with his aunt kept him from going too far over the edge.

His social skills evened out a bit in college. Remembering his enjoyment of Spanish, he branched out and took Arabic, for a break from his myriad of science classes, and pursued the language to fluency. After researching his options, he decided on an MD/PhD program, as the promise of being able to directly help people with his own hands and with his research was too promising to him. Eventually he was carried away by the joy of radiopharmaceuticals and gamma radiation, which led him to work for the military along with Betty Ross, with whom he eventually fell in love, and the two began a relationship.

Just after graduating college, Brian Banner was released from the mental institution after fifteen years; he was sent to live with Bruce (for some terrible reason), and though he claimed that the doctors claimed he'd recovered, he reverted back to his abusive role in Bruce's life soon after moving in with him. It's around this time that General Ross was starting to recruit Bruce to work on the super soldier serum, and his bad opinion of Bruce started when he stopped by Bruce's house to see Brian living there. He called Bruce a milksop and asked him how he could disrespect his mother like this. Shortly after, Bruce went out to visit his mother's grave, as it was the anniversary of her death. His father found him and after accusing Bruce of being a monster, he said he was there to kill Bruce. Brian knocked Bruce down, and Bruce kicked out, which sent Brian to the ground. His head hit Rebecca's tombstone, and he died from the impact. Bruce's reaction was both to scream "no" and to choke with laughter. He soon blocked out all memory of this, and Brian's death was recorded as the result of a mugging, something which wasn't contested as most people were pretty okay with seeing Brian Banner dead.

He and Betty were part of a program working to recreate the super soldier serum. Neither of them were thinking very hard about the weaponized possibilities; they were both thrilled by the project for its potential health benefits. Bruce thought the answer could be found in radiation. When the project's funding got cut, Bruce was so passionate about what they'd developed that he tested it on himself -- but things went awry. He was hit with massive amounts of gamma radiation, enough that he should have died, but he lived... with a little extra.

From there we have The Incredible Hulk and The Avengers. At some point he teaches himself several other languages, with varying degrees of fluency. After TIH, Bruce manages to find more control over his incidents. He can pull the Hulk out at will, though he's still subject to having transformations forced on him.

At least five years have passed since the first incident until the point where he enters the game, which is the day after Avengers ends, just after he's made plans to stay with Tony Stark and do consultant work for SHIELD.

Personality: The Bruce Banner these days is a bit different from the Bruce just after the accident, and certainly from the Bruce before the accident. Before, Bruce was awkward and not the most socially competent, but he was passionate about what he was doing, and he really believed in what he was doing. The science was maybe just a tad more important than the world in general; he got caught up in academic fervor and the excitement of creating something new. His anger was a problem even then, but he suppressed it and steadfastly ignored it; the times that it manifested scared him, and he wondered sometimes if it wasn't inevitable that he would turn into his father, that his father was right and that there was a "monster gene" in the Banner line. Likely this fear is what leads to Bruce suppressing the memories of killing his father. It's hard to say how he would feel about it, as on the one hand he's convinced of his father being insane and a sociopath, but on the other, he's still capable of falling under his father's spell, as victims do; at the end, he was caring for his father, however reluctantly, and he was threatened into defending his father during the trial. It's definitely something he doesn't want to know about himself, especially since he's come to terms with what he is now.

That's a peace that largely takes shape in witty comments and self-deprecating humor. That's how he can vent the frustration and the anger that he no longer tries to suppress, and he's definitely angry -- at the military and the government, sure, but also first and foremost at himself. He'll be the first person to point out the danger he brings to any situation. He also has resentment for the way people treat him or look at him, which is why he prefers to be on the run too. Then he can surround himself with people that he can't get close to, but at least they don't look at him like he's a monster; he can help them and cure them, and they can look to him for healing, not destruction.

Before the accident he wasn't a social butterfly; now, years of being hunted and being on the run, Bruce is used to being on his own, or being among friends that he won't keep for more than a few months. The idea of staying in one place makes him a little nervous; the idea of making and maintaining friends makes him even more nervous because any day, the Hulk could erupt and that relationship might be over. He'd rather consider everyone a temporary friend; that way he can be however he wants because, given enough time, he'll probably never see that person again.

When people do know his secret, he's generally suspicious of them and braces himself for how he expects he'll be treated -- that is, mistrustfully or with kid gloves. He doesn't like it when people lie to him in ways he doesn't expect. Being on the run has also made Bruce rather uncomfortable around authority figures, particularly ones that carry weapons (the military, the police, etc.).

When he does manage to get close to someone, if they don't know his secret, he never lets himself believe that the relationship is as close as it might feel because he doesn't know how they'll react to the Hulk. When the person does know about the other guy, Bruce goes through a similar period of disbelief until their trust builds up enough that he becomes comfortable and to some degree, needful of their company. He also sees that as advantageous; he needs to keep them on his side so they don't turn against him. In the real world, he'd still run away from them, but in this kind of setting, he'd do all that's in his power to keep them safe and keep them close. The same is true for those that don't know his secret, it's just of a different significance.

He generally tries to be easygoing, for the sake of everyone; what really makes him angry is when anyone tries to catch him, or corner him, or use him to make a weapon. When under pressure, Bruce will keep his cool, as that's his default state; he's constantly dealing with resentment and anger, and being under pressure just depends on his current ability to straddle that divide. Under normal circumstances, he should be pretty okay, but it is possible to affect him, either with external sources (hello, Tesseract) or internally (if his self control is currently compromised). He won't remove himself from situations as a result of his resentment at people seeming to expect him to live his life in a bubble when he's worked hard to achieve some kind of normalcy and ability to function in society. He does know his limits, he knows them inside and out, and he's capable of knowing when to remove himself, thanks.

He gets the most relief from practicing medicine; he can lose himself in a gentle bedside manner and bring someone back to health, or at least ease their suffering, and in this way he can try to make up for the people he's hurt and the destruction he's caused -- both things that haunt him in his darker moments. His darker moments can get pretty dark, though none so bad as the one that ended with him putting a gun to his mouth. He hasn't quite gone back to that place, but he does feel himself slip here and there.

As for his relationship with the Hulk, right now it's tenuous. He hates him and prefers to keep him suppressed -- which only enrages the Hulk when he's trying to break free -- but after Avengers, he could see a potential use for him. But the baggage he carries from being called a monster prevents him from really embracing the Hulk in any way that wouldn't also be pretty poisonous, embracing the idea that he is a monster and he's okay with that. Whenever he threatens to use the Hulk or does actually use the Hulk, it's a definite blow to his self esteem. At the same time, he does threaten to pull him out when necessary to protect others, definitely, and for himself, rarely. He relies on the idea that the Hulk will get them through something, sometimes resentfully and other times (though he'll never admit it), gratefully.

The Hulk in turn has similar feelings about Banner. He largely wants to be left alone, away from people he doesn't trust and who he finds weak and tiny and endlessly frustrating in how they continually work against him. Banner is enemy number one when it comes to that, as he works to get rid of the Hulk or keep him from coming out. At the same time, Banner blocks things for him, like the memories of killing Brian Banner. The Hulk is just as affected by Brian as Bruce is, as Hulk suffers from some Bruce bleedover, in which he'll feel Bruce's emotions if Bruce feels them strong enough; something similar happens with Bruce's memories, which come to the Hulk through a filter too. Their connection can fluctuate, becoming stronger and easier for them to communicate between each other, to being more difficult; it depends really on their anger levels -- on both sides.

It is possible to reason with him; the difficulty is that he can slip into that wild animal mode, and it takes him some time to calm down from that before he is capable of processing conversation rationally. When engaged, he gets wrapped up in fights, especially when people try to be stronger than he is, as he's pretty firmly convinced he's the strongest one there is and everyone else can piss off. Generally his main goal is to escape, not to inflict pain or to kill. Smashing things is fair game, though. Threats to his strength will rile him up, as well as attempts to restrain him or to treat him like a monster, even when he's acting like one. In his opinion, he isn't -- he's just a creature who wants to be left alone and often is made to fight for that. So when he is rational, he responds to people treating him kindly, though it will take quite some time before he trusts someone.

First Person: Here's one for Bruce, and another one for the Hulk.

Third Person: Here's a sexy one! And a non-sexy one too. And one for the Hulk!

Anything Else? I've been mostly absent from tumblr, but a tumblr for all my Bruce feels exists.

game: kore, ooc: application

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