You are the first chlorine-containing solvent produced in high quantities before World War I. Your primary uses before WWII included industrial cleaner and solvent thinner. You do not attach to soil particles, and break down slowly in air or water.
Find out what kind of industrial solvent you are
Take the High Yield Killing Method Test Now!! 75% addicted to Instant Messenger. How about you?44% SEVERELY ADDICTED to Instant Messenger. How about you? You are
Fresh Step Scoopable With Baking Soda
What brand of scooping cat litter are
If I were a
Tetris block, I would be a
L-Shaped Tetris Block!
I am flexible, creative and innovative. I can be used in a variety of ways, for many different purposes; I'm probably bisexual, or at least I sleep around a lot.
Use me right, and I will make your world a better place.
Analyse your personality in Tetris Blocks!
Take the Test Yourself |
What does it mean?
Which tarot card are you? Unimportant
Most people ignore you. You sit on the sidelines of life uncared about. You will lead a boring little life and then die. You will never do anything worth noticing. You are extremely boring. You will have an ordinairy job and survive on your own. If you're lucky enough to have a family they will all be nice to you. Most people will forget you exist. You will probably be alone all your life. Your dreams and desires don't matter to anyone. People wish you'd just shut up and not bother them. Most people forget that you exist. You don't matter.
Most common complaints about this type:
Most people won't remember the person well enough to complain
Which Evil Criminal are You? R
You are restricted. Well done, you're now
practically adult in nature, and plus, you
get to see nudity - have fun.
"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by
Jamie - take it
What is your meaning of life? Which Angelina Are You? Which Winona Are You? hmm...i'm both the ones from the crazy movie...
So which letter of the alphabet matches
YOUR personality, huh? 'cause i start with c!
I am the
Cheshire Cat!
You're the epitome of insane. Either you're very smart, or you're too damn stupid. The world is your playground, and everything -- and everyone -- in it is a toy for you to play with. People should be scared of you, but because you're so affable, they aren't. Tough for them.
Which "Natural Wonder" are you? i'm done troubleshooting and now this entry has two less quizzes than it first did. don't make the same mistake i did, be safe: check the html before you post.