dec. 15, saturday: last final ends at 6 pm, going home anytime after that
dec. 17, monday: dentist appointment consultation, 10:30a
dec. 19, wednesday: getting wisdom teeth pulled :(, 10:30a
dec. 22, saturday: nikki's birthday celebration; at night, the nunez's party
dec. 23, sunday: at night, chris gray's party
dec. 24, monday: our holiday party
dec. 27, thursday: troy get-together holiday party
dec. 28, friday: leaving for wedding in san francisco
so basically my roommate plays awesome amazing music - modest mouse, mika, louis xiv, killers and more amazing things i really really really (!) like but don't listen enough to. ♥ for sure. :]
also, omg, last night was so chill - just hanging out in the apartments watching superbad and eating chocolate chip cookies and talking about symmetrical decorating and our 'marriage' party (champagne, no pants, formal from the waist up ahahha). everything in life is just so good now.
i turned in all my papers and i only have logic homework due at 8. the only final that worries me is my logic final - the rest i'll study for and do well on, i'm sure. college is so much fun at the most random times -- it's like golden champagne bubbles fizzing up inside you until they explode in a burst of fireworks joy. ♥
aaand chris and i are completely together, love and sappiness and everything. it's unbelievable how this is all working out. we're such poor college kids, but the best treasures are at goodwill anyways, right? :] ♥