All is well. Work is well. Phill is well. Family are well.
Now, onto something that really matters!
Only brave, bored or Bith should bother!
Well, it arrived yesterday... What? Didn't I tell you?? I ordered a copy of Star Wars - Empire at War! It arrived yesterday! I've already run through all the tutorials (including the two non-interactives!). I've started up a campaign game, which will reveal the 'story' leading up to the beginning of Episode IV: A New Hope! I've done the 'right' thing & started with the Imperial forces. I've already compleed the first three 'missions' & keen to continue!
As far as real-time strategy games go, I'm not all that much of a fan. But this one takes the cake for a SW geek like me! I've already started to plot my way through the game:-
Once I finish this campaign, I'll do a 'Galactic Conquest' game playing the Imps, then I'll go back to Campaign mode & play the Rebels, follwed by a Conquest as the Rebels. Between games I can happily practice at the controls with the 'Skirmish' games, playing as whomever I choose!
yes, I'm in fanboy heaven with this one!
For those who have no idea about what I'm talking of, I'm sorry to geek-out on you like that. I know many things in life are a lot more important than some silly computer game. That being said, I'd like to remind everyone that I saw Star Wars on the big screen when it was first released.....yes I am that old! I even have an original copy of the movie program that was released with it!
I am a Star Wars fan.
Simple as that!
I've spent wads of cash on memorabillia. I've played the Roleplaying & card games, video games, electronic battleship, trivial pursuit, even Star Wars monopoly! I've been to see three movies in full costume, & would happily do so again.
But back to the current situation! I'm so bloody happy with SW:EaW, I could spit! The graphics are good, the action scenes are cool & I got to fight a rancor with a handful of Rebel grunts! heheheheheeeee
I'm already considering buying the expansion - Empire at War: Forces of Corruption! This one adds the fringe elements of the SW galaxy to the game. Instead of having to play Rebels or Imperials, you get to play a crime lord! No, not Jabba! you get to use bribery, sabotage, extortion & balck market resources....all within the great SW setting! WOOF!
Ahem....sorry, I'll try to curb my enthusiasm a little! NOT!
I love tha game-play of striking at a planets orbital defences, & then (if you win!) making an attack at the surface! I know it's not the first game to do this sort of thing, but it IS the first SW game to let me do it! Having my Star Destroyers engage a pitiful handful of Rebel ships that are, supposedly, guarding a planet, & then crushing the forces that they have on the surface is my idea of a fun-filled arvo's work!
I know that I'll be able to reverse those words too! Once I start playing with the Rebel Alliance, it'll be a valiant struggle to break the shackles of Imperial oppresion, but pretty much still fun! I really am happy with this little game!
I should calm down a little though, I need to go finish off Republic Commando on the Xbox too! It's been a hoot of a game - especially on the hard setting! Nearly done with it, but loving every minute of play.
I guess the fact that the new RPG book is due out about is only going to add to my SW bulge. Oh well, I guess it can't be helped! Though I do feel sorry for my little D&D group - I'm going to have to really watch that I don't let my joy of that campaign wane, or they may not play SW with me when the time comes! *snigger* I shouldn't say this, because I knwo that at least one of them reads my LJ, but I've already been asked to play in two SW gaming groups when the new rules hit the shelves! I won't be able to though. Time is a major factor, but mainly I can't just up-&-leave my D&D group to play SW. That wouldn't be nice - or fair! *sigh*
Anyhoo, I best be off. I've got a lot of gardening to do, a bunch of SCA folk to catch up with, & a Recellion to crush across an entire galaxy!
(get ready, here it comes!)
May the Force be with you!