Well, the reason you chose something at Ohlone was because you needed something fast and something that was inherently socially justified. I have no idea what Tom's topic is, but it's pretty hard to make science or math obviously socially justified unless you're tutoring people, and you really wouldn't have any one to tutor at Stanford anyway. It's better for you to work at a community college. (and when I typed "its better for you", it was totally in a viet fob accent in my head. XD)
Jasper's was: predicting socioeconomic trends using math. Um....something like that. It sounded extremely complicated. Kevin's was calculating the carbon emissions of our school (and virtually any other school/building).
Don't make QUEST any harder than it has to be. It will come back to bite your ass clean off. And that's a form of weight loss I don't think you'd appreciate :\
I don't get why you want to pick a complicated topic for a "benchmark project". I mean AP classes are different; you pick hard classes before you want to get a high GPA or something. Are there any benefits a hard/interesting topic has that a normal one doesn't thou?
The reason why I pick AP classes is twofold: 1) high GPA. And the much more important reason is that I feel cheated if I do not learn as much in a normal class--an extension of this is that I feel guilty for putting out so little effort for something that has the opportunity to challenge me. In other, less college-essay-like words, I am a masochist...:) I enjoy killing myself with work for the knowledge that I did something hard.
Comments 7
But then again, they're Kevin n' Jasper...
... I'm nowhere near done. I promised myself I'd at least finish two drafts by today, so hopefully that will get done.
I think QUEST is hard enough on its own, so I didn't bother trying to pick a hard topic. For me, any topic is hard.
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