Houseparties an attempted arsoneryarsoneryarsoneryarsonery nothankyounothankyounothankyou frau. Dont worry this kind of sanity only hurts when you sew your finger to the dress. Bloodstains are the new polkadot.
I did the alphabet with Brooke Bouldry's mom today at work, and her son Blake is friend's with Connor who's grandmother is my mom's best friend. What a small world? Im drinking out of a dirty glass. Being a grownup isn't what I expected it to be. I delivered the last of my costumes for Under Milkwood. Check in hand. I need new friends
in what little spare time I have I am filming an homage to 10th grade english class with Mr. Phelps for my cctv show I'm blindly attempting to create. Shortfilms, bits and pieces of peoples lives put together on film. If anybody happens to come home over winterbreak and wants to take part or let me film them please speak up.