A new gadget has been acquired to keep me under control, particularly on occasions when Corrective Wife is away and wants me prevented from mischief
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yikes. i'd be very concerned for the gangrene trap that thing can become if left on for a few days & an overnight erection causes the spikes to pierce.
i'd file those things down to "heartily uncomfortable without the actual *sharp* parts which can literally cut".
hey, not everyone knows how infections occur or what they can become even with the best treatment. whatever it is you have about your penis, i'm pretty sure you want to make sure it remains intact & functional. :)
I have used versions of the Points of Intrigue in the past and have to say that Lish has a very good point! (No pun intended) If the skin gets punctured, the device has to be removed immediately.
As a suggestion, maybe start using it during cornertime, line writing, cleaning, or other supervised activities so you get used to wearing the device and making sure it is the correct size for you. Later on, if all works well, unsupervised time with a keyholder being a phone call away, as well as her coming over for scheduled cleaning of your gadget. It is also handy for your wife to freeze a key into an ice cube. Keep it in the freezer and melt the cube in case of emergency.
Comments 7
i'd file those things down to "heartily uncomfortable without the actual *sharp* parts which can literally cut".
As a suggestion, maybe start using it during cornertime, line writing, cleaning, or other supervised activities so you get used to wearing the device and making sure it is the correct size for you. Later on, if all works well, unsupervised time with a keyholder being a phone call away, as well as her coming over for scheduled cleaning of your gadget. It is also handy for your wife to freeze a key into an ice cube. Keep it in the freezer and melt the cube in case of emergency.
Best wishes
-Ms Regan Black
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