Title: What Have You Learned?
greenx3redRating: PG 13
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters and/or Pairing: Balthazar, Castiel
Spoilers: up to 6x03
Warnings: Torture
Word Count: 1387
Summary: Cas' re-education enlightens Balthazar.
Author’s Note: Cross posted from
my tumblr.
Balthazar has lost )
Comments 2
i love that even as he's probably going crazy as they tear castiel apart, balthazar still tries to comfort cas with the old times urgh my heart
and the last bit is just amazing. him staying in heaven just so that maybe, he could be of help to cas in some way...
Now he knows anger and when the day comes, his enemies will know it well.
/chills <33
i'm having massive castiel/balthazar cravings and this is just what i was looking for :D
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