Seriously, don't watch this when you are stoned. I sat for a good ten minutes even without the use of narcotics staring at this (and the music wasn't that bad either): Stolen gleefully from
theferrett (Yes I'm alive - what can I say, lvl 60 paladin, lvl 53 mage and lvl 40 druid. I hang my head in shame.)
Comments 4
Becky xx
Anyways then I clicked 'round a bit more and low and behold, not only a Neopets fan, but a Labyrinth fan, too. o-o Add?
I'd love to be added and will add you in turn :) I'm admittedly a little absent from LJ the past few months as i've discovered a new obsession, world of Warcaft :) I think i'm about due for a 'I aten't ded' post :D
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