Dear Automaton11,
You apparently have the privacy options set on your LJ e-mail, which means that my reply did not go through.
You asked about joining the Forever Knight list.
If I recall when I joined (admittedly a while back), I simply signed up following the directions on the ListGardener's website. Directions can be found here: Basically, you then start getting e-mail. There's no explicit rejection/acceptance procedure. You simply know you're on list when the e-mails start. You can then lurk to your heart's content!
However, the first actual post you make will be screened. This is usually done by Don (the "listgardener"), who is one of the two mods. (The other is McLisa.) This means that the post won't appear immediately; but once he's cleared it, it will be posted to the list. And after that you can post normally.
Right now, the list is not nearly as busy as it was in days of yore. However, many people still prefer to be set to "digest". In that case, you'll get one e-mail per day (if there have been posts that day), which will contain all the day's posts collected in together. If you do that, the e-mail will be sent from "FORKNI-L@LISTS.PSU.EDU", so you'll know its origin. If you prefer to get e-mails individually, they will come via the PSU server; but they will bear the original sender's name.
I suggest you make sure your spam filter knows that things from FORKNI-L are okay. Digests, in particular, have been known to get trapped by overactive spam filters.
I hope this helps!
--- automaton11 wrote:
> Forgive me, but is there any way to join the FK list or is it closed to newcomers? I have tried many times but never get any sort of confirmation or rejection. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it's simply closed.
> Thank you for your time.
> Automaton11