Hey hey am so annoyed man. A dunno why but a just am lol. Well a hink a must have a sign above ma heed saying jerry springer or summet coz a got loadza folk telling me their problems lol! Anyways.......louise has been doin ma head in the day coz she actin as if a have changed, which a dnt fink a have n other folk dnt think a have. So louise if ur
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Comments 6
Good Website
Another fascinating aspect to this movie is all the controversy that has been generated about it.
Some people, not really representative of Jewish people, but rather self appointed Jewish spokespeople, such as Abraham Foxman from the Anti-Defamation League, seem to have been attempting to denounce this film for months as being anti-Semitic. The news reported that they even stole the script last year! But here's what some Jews say (Jews who don't make it their job to ( ... )
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