What`s your pimped out ghetto thug weapon? Mysterious Blunt Object Its a mysterious blunt object. I'm sure you could beat people with it, but you'd rather walk around with it looking pimped out and ghetto, like a thug.
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vitamin world. $8.75 an hour guaranteed, with commission, however it averages out to more with commission paying upto $8 more an hour...so technically its about $13 an hour, and upto $16.75 an hour. ill. i can probably get my own pad working here, as well as a bunch of other crap ive been meaning to get.
went to santa monica with monica today. sat on the pier for 4 hours and watched the sunset. simplicity. i like it that way. life is amazing when you look at it in its purest form.
bah. im so sick of always staying in on weekends. im just going to blatantly rant here, because right now i really dont give much of a shit
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ive noticed that when im out and about, I have a greater concentration of musical creativity. In one hour at starbucks, i got more work done than a week of working at home. i think taking my laptop and keyboard around with me is the solution to getting more done. word.