One two three disappear! My to thus disturb of the baby don't puisqu'elle m'aime and this I know the shooo fo... Uh, but she really wants with but the stand of can't to see me go out of the doo... Test of Don't to fight the feelin' ; Since only the thought is good massacre I nooww... Uh, thank a god for the mom and dad to stick by unit 'Cause we don't let us know the hooowww... UH!
Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa... Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa... Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa... Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa... Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa... Heeyy Yaaaaaaa... Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa... Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa...
You think you've obtained Ohh to him, you thinks that you've goes it but obtained don't just obtain to him Till' to him; ; there's nothing at AaaaaaaaAAAAAAAaaaaaaAAAAAAaaaaaallllll... We've summers Ohh unit, we've be Ohh unit, we've be together but seperate's always improve when the InvooooooOOOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOooooooOOOOOlved feelings of there's if this qu'ils says "Nothing is forever" ; Whereas made, whereas made LOOVVEEE? (exception d'amour) thus why you, why you why you, why you, why you are us thus in denial when we are not happy heeeerrreeee... Y'all don't want me here that you want just to dance
Heeeyyy... (OHH OH) Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa. De Yaaaaaaa.... (OHH OH) Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaaa... (Don't want to meet your dad, (Just d'OHH OH) Heeyy Yaaaaaaa... want you in my carriage OHH OH) Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa... (OHH OH, don't want to meet yo' ; mamma OHH OH) Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaa... (I'm, OHH OH I'm, OHH OH) Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa... (I'm being right honest OHH OH, I'm being just honest) (Bridge-Andre 3000) hé, well now well now fealous, (OUAIS) now cooling of what's that bein' ; expenses? (FROZEN!) I can't hear ya' ; I say the cooler of what's that bein' ; expenses? (FROZEN!) whooo... Well, well, well, well well, well, well, well well, well, well, well well, well, well, WELL now ladies, (OUAIS) and us gon' ; break this now the low qu'arrière as Juste a few seconds don't make me break up this thang for nothin' ; Now I want to see y'all on the behavior baddest Gimme of y'all some suga' ;, I am your ahh of neighber here that we go! Shake it, shake it, shake it, shake to it (OHH OH) jolt it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, shake to it (OHH OH) jolt, shake-l'aiment an image of Poloroid, shake it, shake it Shh obtained to you with, shake it, shh, shake it, shake it, obtained jolt of yo it (jolt it Suga' ;) jolt he like l'image of Poloroid Andre 3000 (repeating l'it" of "Shake; in the content) now while Beyonce and Lucy Liu and baby continue, obtain on the floor (obtain on the floor) that you know what with the dooo... Yoooooouuu... Know that I
Heeeyyy Yaaaaaaa... (OHH OH) Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa... (OHH OH) Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa... (OHH OH) Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa... (Uh OH, hé ya) Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa... (OHH OH) Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa... (Uh, uh, OHH OH) Heeeyyy... Yaaaaaaa... (OHH OH) Heeyy Yaaaaaaaa... (OHH OH)