uh ive spent the last three days putting all of my cd's onto itunes so i can actually use my ipod, its so frustrating realizing how many have been stolen or lost over the years and how many i need to get again.
damn yesterday i fell asleep at 5:30 in the morning and tonight i fell asleep at 10 pm now i'm wide awake and have to be up at 7, oh well ill probably just read till then
so my cell phone finally doesnt turn on anymore, if you want to call me you should just leave a message with your number cause ill check my voice mail every once in awhile
uuuuuuuuuh i really dont want to go to bed drunk when its like 90 degrees in my room DAMNIT this is going to be the worst sleep ever anyway things are really good they really are i just want to fix some things i fucked up when i was a mess
man my intrests for my livejournal are really good its crazy how long ive had this otherwise i have several nasty spider bites on my leg that utterly truly unruly p.s. its the secrets beneath the leaves i keep with me im fallling up and down and ill never write the letter i wish you could read the words perfectly