Title: Boss for auction (1/7) Pairing: Ohmiya Summary: Finally, he had done it. He had bought his boss. Rating: PG Disclaimer: The plot is mine. Revised and completed by zazasukie Genre: AU Words count: 800 AN: unbetaed
Te e extrañado, fueras visto mi alegría cuando cheque mi inbox y vi que avías puesto un capitulo nuevo de una historia nueva~! sequire esperando mas capitulos~ <3
Me alegro de que te haya gustado! ^_____^ Hace mucho que no posteo nada pero al menos ahora tengo una nueva historia para ir poniendo regularmente mientras intento escribir el siguiente capítulo de Enchanted. ^_________________^
You'll have to wait until next chapters to see how their relationship develops, though the fic will remain pg (pg-13 at the most), m(_ _)m Thanks a lot for your comment!
I'm glad you find the beginning promising. ^_______^
I'll try to overcome my writer's block in Enchanted but don't worry, I'll finish that story no matter what! *raises a hand towards the sky, wind blowing behind her* XD
Ooh, this is a really good idea! (though am still trying to wrap my head around the idea of Ohno being cleverer than Nino ^^) Can't wait to read what happens at the auction!
Comments 39
I shall look forward to Saturdays now. xD ♥
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting!
Te e extrañado, fueras visto mi alegría cuando cheque mi inbox y vi que avías puesto un capitulo nuevo de una historia nueva~! sequire esperando mas capitulos~ <3
Hace mucho que no posteo nada pero al menos ahora tengo una nueva historia para ir poniendo regularmente mientras intento escribir el siguiente capítulo de Enchanted. ^_________________^
sounds like a nice fic for me XDDD
is ohno in naruse-mode here?
hope he'll back to himself in the hand of nino XDDD
Thanks a lot for your comment!
it souns fun, the plot that is xD
I'll try to overcome my writer's block in Enchanted but don't worry, I'll finish that story no matter what! *raises a hand towards the sky, wind blowing behind her* XD
Can't wait to read what happens at the auction!
Thanks for your comment
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