Title: Boss for auction (3/7) Pairing: Ohmiya Summary: Finally, he had done it. He had bought his boss. Rating: PG Disclaimer: The plot is mine. Revised and completed by zazasukie Genre: AU Words count: 972 AN: unbetaed
This is so cute :) I love this know-it-all-and-so-sexy!Ohno *blushing* The revenge plan seems to backfire at our brat, ne? Also, Nino doesn't have to be shock cuz Ohno is always gorgeous no matter what he wears -> I'm Ohno-biased :P I look forward to the next chapter :D
Poor Nino, he won't know what hit him until it's too late! XD Oh-chan has some 'nice' surprises ready for him in the next chapter! Please look forward it! ^____^
Hahaha! Nah, I'm sure that he will enjoy Ohno's surprises... maybe not so much at the beginning, but I'm sure he will enjoy them at the end! (I know I would enjoy them... A LOT ^________~)
Comments 50
thanks so much for sharing! waiting for the next!^^
Thanks a lot for following this series!
Poor Nino, he has so much hope in his evil plan... but witty-and-sexy Ohno has some surprises under his sleeve ready just for him! ^___~
Thanks a lot for reading and commenting!
It's really so cute! ^-^
I like <3
Thank you very much <3
Thank you for following this series!
I love this...
Soooo cuuuutteeee....!!!
Those two are marvelous... xixixi...
So what gonna happen to you my dear Nino...
Watchout with your heart... LoL
Oh-chan has some 'nice' surprises ready for him in the next chapter! Please look forward it! ^____^
Thank you for your comment!
I love surprise...
And I think Ohchan surprise would be splendid... xixixi...
I'm soooo into the next...
Hope won't wait tooo looong... fufufu...
And I know Nino wouldn't regret what Ohchan surprise at the end... LoL
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