Title: Boss for auction (5/7) Pairing: Ohmiya Summary: Finally, he had done it. He had bought his boss. Rating: PG Disclaimer: The plot is mine. Revised and completed byzazasukie Genre: AU Words count: 691 AN: unbetaed
i love you ohno<3 keep on being smart, n nino, you can keep on being like a shy girl^^ love this scene so much! can't wait for next~ thanks for the update! <333
omgshhh this made my day~ i cant wait for the next chapter! XD omgshhh i serioouusly love this! i was like kyaa-iing the whhole time! i want this Ohno. DOES ANYONE KNO WER I CAN GET ME ONE OF HIM? :P hahahahhaa!
thanks again! this was a great job! keep writing pls! cant wait~
I'm happy you enjoyed how the story is developing! Writing this witty Ohno, always a step ahead of his poor secretary, is really funny! ^___________^ Btw, I also want this Ohno so if you find someone who can get you one of him, please tell me too! ^___~
Tsk, tsk, they are so distrustful... but that only makes Ohno's job sweeter~ XD He's trying so hard to convince Nino of his innocence... but he was right to doubt Nino's family. ^____^
Comments 40
Thank u ^^
Nino is so lucky! ^____^
Thanks for reading!
keep on being smart,
n nino, you can keep on being like a shy girl^^
love this scene so much!
can't wait for next~
thanks for the update!
Ohno still has some tricks under his sleeve, just wait and see! ^____~
Thanks for commenting!
Thanks for writing!
Ohmiya is ♥ and really fun to write!
Thanks for following this series!
thanks again! this was a great job! keep writing pls! cant wait~
Writing this witty Ohno, always a step ahead of his poor secretary, is really funny! ^___________^
Btw, I also want this Ohno so if you find someone who can get you one of him, please tell me too! ^___~
Thanks for reading and commenting!
He's trying so hard to convince Nino of his innocence... but he was right to doubt Nino's family. ^____^
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