So You Think You Know Grendel? Answers!!!

Mar 27, 2007 20:19

1. We'll start out easy: What type of bear am I?
Polar, duh! Heh heh.

2.What is my nickname I use at Renaissance faires?
The answer is "Don Oso el Blanco" (see icon!) "Oso" is Spanish for "bear", and I thought instead of going with something like Don Juan I'd go with Don Oso. "Blanco" means "white", myself being a ferocious polar bear.

3.What environmental issue am I most passionate about?

I'm a polar bear, so naturally I'm most concerned about Global Warming. It's very very bad.

4.Who's my favorite pro wrestler?
Ooh, this one got a lot of you people. Rey Mysterio is actually my mom's favorite wrestler. Undertaker and Cena are indeed pretty cool, but none of them compare to Big Show! He's part bear.

5.Where did I spend my cubhood?
Not Antarctica (there are no polar bears on that side of the world!). The answer is Greenland.

6.What kind of fuzzy animal is Spot?

Spot is a spotted cow. He says "MOO" to everyone out there in LJ land.

7.I have a teddy bear of my own. What's his name?
His name is Hrothgar. lady_barnard got him for me as a gift.

8.What do we call the eldest bear in the family?

He is, was, and will always be Old Ted. He's older than my mom even.

9.Speaking of him, he had major surgery not long ago. What did he have done?
He had a stuffing transplant. Mom was a nervous wreck. But he's like a new bear now!

10.Finally, who's the wee Scottish bear in the family?

That would be Iggy, who came from Glasgow.
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