Oh my god, I think the kink meme ate my brain. And as I’m now at the stage where I’m *forgetting* what I’ve written, I wanted to write myself a nice list for reference. Blanket spoiler warning for everything Dresden Files related ever because I’m lazy.
And I’m popping the links below a cut due to sexual references in the summaries.
The one where: John becomes the Gentleman, and Harry doesn’t notice.
Notes: PG-13, Gen-ish edging into pre-slash, swearing.
Prompt: Young wizard Harry keeps meeting rough around the edges, get my hands dirty John and they strike up something (friendship or more). Bonus points if Harry is oblivious and doesn't realise who John is until well into Gentleman Johnny territory.
http://scribe-protra.livejournal.com/215580.html?thread=2440988#t2440988 The one where: Marcone gets rescued by his badass wizard boyfriend, and then they have sex.
Notes: NC-17, slash, sexual content.
Prompt: Dresden/Marcone established relationship, Harry as Dominant partner
http://scribe-protra.livejournal.com/215580.html?thread=2438684#t2438684 The one where: Harry gets a new hobby.
Notes: NC-17, slash, sexual content.
Prompt: Marcone/Dresden, newish relationship. Harry on his knees, blowing John for the first time, with John starting out talking him through it and slowly losing it. And Harry both pissed and grateful that John is telling him what to do.
http://scribe-protra.livejournal.com/215580.html?thread=2642716#t2642716 The one where: I indulge my fondness for silly dialogue, and Thomas doesn’t get staked.
Notes: PG-15, slash, references to sex.
Prompt: Marcone/Dresden established. Marcone is a very jealous lover, so Harry keeps playing up those old rumors about him and Thomas in small, subtle ways because it gets him awesome jealous sex. Also because he loves messing with Marcone. And Thomas plays along, though he's both, "you're going to get me dead," and "ahaha hilarious!" Bonus points for Marcone finding out the truth and being deeply unamused, except pissed off sex works for Harry, too.
http://scribe-protra.livejournal.com/215580.html?thread=2475548#t2475548 Still sort of Harry/Marcone (but really, it’s All About Hendricks)
The one where: Hendricks sees more than he meant to, and gets annoyed.
Notes: R, slash, sexual content.
Prompt: Dresden/Marcone Hendricks's POV. There have been a few fics where mafioso and wizard make out in the limo while Hendricks is driving, anyone else wonder how he feels about this? Bonus if he's all "why is this my life?"
http://scribe-protra.livejournal.com/215580.html?thread=2573596#t2573596 The one where: Hendricks is always right, and John should just shut up and listen.
Notes: PG-13, slash
Prompt:Marcone/Dresden Hendricks's Point of View. Everybody writes about Marcone being the really good boyfriend, but what we forget is that he doesn't exactly think the same way people usually do. He usually thinks in cost benefit analyzation. So how does he know what to do when courting Harry? Simple. He keeps asking Hendricks for advice. :D
http://scribe-protra.livejournal.com/215580.html?thread=2845212#t2845212 The one where: Harry and John get together, Hendricks might be having a sexual identity crisis, and Gard wins at everything (except Windows 7).
Notes: NC-17, slash, sexual content.
Prompt: One time while Marcone and Dresden are going at it and Hendricks is standing close by, making sure no one gets too close to Marcone while he's vulnerable(or something), he accidentally peeks in on Marcone and Dresden...and likes what he sees. Cue embarrassed!voyeur!aroused!Hendricks, amused!possessive!Marcone, and, as always, oblivious!Dresden.
http://scribe-protra.livejournal.com/215580.html?thread=3114780#t3114780 Harry/Murphy
The one where: Metaphors are horribly, horribly abused, and I write het.
Notes: NC-17, het, sex.
Prompt: Harry/Murphy, blowjobs. Harry's uncomfortable with receiving blowjobs - he views them as somewhat demeaning to women and, since he doesn't have sex with people he doesn't seriously care about, he doesn't want to put his bedmates in that position. Murphy's reaction is somewhat along the lines of "Bullshit; I decide what demeans me, not you" and one night, after sitting on his face for awhile, she just descends upon his cock and sucks his damn brain out.
http://scribe-protra.livejournal.com/215580.html?thread=3062300#t3062300 Harry/Vadderung
The one where: My liking for Norse myth finally got the better of me, and Harry tops.
Notes: NC-17, slash, sexual content.
Prompt: Vadderung is on Harry's side. Sexy times ensue.