Title: A change of scenery 6/?
Rating: PG now, later on it may become NC-17 but not yet.
Summary: Post Chosen the characters split themselves between the other Hellmouth and LA.
Prompt: 104 - cuisine (tamingthemuse)
Paring: None in this chapter, various later on including, S/X, B/OC and others
AN: Ok I’m picturing Xander’s hair not as shiny as Gunn but closer to Zach on Bones when he came back in season three.
The entire day at Wolfram and Hart everyone was staring at Xander and pointing, you`d think he’d taken the eye patch off and decided to prance around naked. He didn’t think he’d attract any more attention if he did that then with his simple haircut. He was hiding out in Wesley’s empty office when Spike burst in looking for the watcher. There was nowhere for him to hide.
“He’s not here. I think he’s helping Fred with something.”
“Bullocks. What’s going on in Xanderland? You know the land of avoidance.”
“You mean kinda like denial land, that’s where Joyce was during senior year and Willow was there with her.” The Xander babble took over I mean this was the first actual conversation they were having since Xander had shocked everyone with the big wave of acceptance for Spike. He looked over at Spike when he finished talking and realised that the vampire had zoned out. “Hello, sanity to Spike, long time no see.” Xander said waving his hands in front of Spike’s face.
“I miss her.”
“Who? Oh Joyce. Yea me too.”
They sat in silence for a few moments until it started to weigh on them a little too heavily. Then Spike started talking about his memories of Joyce and her cuisine, funny how Spike’s idea of cuisine revolved around Wheatabix and hot chocolate with mini marshmallows. Spike began talking about all of the times he spent with Joyce in his past. The Slayer didn’t know but the entire time while they were dealing with Glory and her hunt for Dawn, Spike had been visiting Joyce most nights, keeping the woman company and just talking to her. Joyce had even helped him pick out the fridge for his crypt because there was no way he was going to Wal-Mart on his own. The conversation about Joyce turned into more conversation about how things used to be in Sunnydale which led them to the fact that Xander used to hate Spike with the fire of a thousand suns.
“I mean after the final days on the Hellmouth it just seemed like too much effort to hate anyone anymore.”
“So you don’t like me then, you just got bored.”
“That pretty much sums it up there. So how’s evil inc treating you?”
“I’m fading in and out.” Spike said under his breath.
“In and out of what?”
“Where’s the fun in that?”
“Oh the fun’s in wondering where I’m going to end up.”
“So that’s why you were looking for Wes.”
Now that that topic of conversation was worn out the boys sat in silence in Wesley’s dim office. Suddenly Spike stood up and stormed into the hall.
“Now where is he going?”
Xander sat there for a few moments before standing and walking out of the office. He wandered around Wolfram and Hart for a little while before ending up in Angel’s office. Xander turned and looked at Angel and just then he saw it, he saw something hovering around Angel’s heart and then in a flash it was gone
AN: I’m not really good with the whole meaningful in character conversations if you can’t tell.
AN2: Ooooooo what did he see. Anyone got a guess?? Tell me with feedback