Frequently Asked Questions
Note: Sometimes it slips our minds as to what information other people might need, so feel free to message either of us or leave a comment if there are any unanswered questions on this page!
Also, some helpful links might be the
Firefly Database and
Borderlands Wiki.
How will we be communicating?
Through the Cortex System Network. The Cortex System Network is the visual and textual interactive Network of the 26th century. This central system allows for all of the members to communicate with one another through text, video or audio messages. The Cortex System Network allows for posts to be screened from other individuals or locked for only one individual to see.
Is there a mandatory Activity Check?
For now, no. Since the community is just opening up and we're still relatively small, the mods will be watching for activity instead. If the game grows, yes, we will install a monthly Activity Check.
What sorts of livelihoods can my character have that is not defined by classes?
We would suggest going the life of a civilian, which can be specified even further for backstory and such. For example, your character may be a merchant, information broker, farmer or he could even just be a bum or be a noble. If you choose the civilian lifestyle, we would like you to specify on your app what sort of other job they have such as those listed above. Please try to keep social class in mind as well. Farmers tend to be middle-class or poor where as information brokers tend to be more upper class depending on their business. If you have any questions, please contact the mods!
Does my character keep his in canon powers/abilities?
It all depends. For example, Axel cannot use any sort of fire abilities because “magic” doesn't exist in this AU. However, Axel could use special weapons that have more elemental qualities similar to how guns work in Borderlands. If your character is a professional gunslinger, then yes because it's a realistic ability that can exist (and be helpful) in this AU.
Can my character belong to two different classes?
Yes, as long as they can go hand in hand with one another. Your character cannot be a medic/civilian/bounty hunter/mercenary. We would like to limit classes to two per character. You may be a bounty hunter/mechanic because those two can go hand in hand if you describe your character's abilities well and is mentioned in your backstory. Try not to go overboard though!
My character is a demon in his canon. Can I be a demon here?
No. Demons do not exist in Borderlands/Firefly. You can only be human.
My character is not humanoid. Can I still app here?
Yes! If your character is not humanoid, please be sure to create a physical human description in your application.
If my application is not accepted, when can I re-apply?
You may re-apply after a week of being declined.
What is the Alliance?
The Alliance is the supra-governmental entity. It is a powerful authoritarian government and law-enforcement organization that controls the majority of the territory of the 'Verse. Originally it only ruled the “core planets”; however, several years ago the Alliance fought the Unification War to bring all colonized planets under its control against the Independent Faction, also known as the Browncoats.
What happened during the Unification War?
During the Unification War, the Alliance fought against the Independent Faction (the Browncoats). The Alliance wanted control over all colonized worlds while the Independents desired to have autonomy on their home worlds. The war raged for several years, resulting in heavy casualties on both sides, until the Alliance emerged victorious. An armistice was signed between the Alliance and the Independent Faction, thus ending the war and securing Alliance control over the entirety of the system.
How long did the Unification War last?
From year 2506 to 2511. This game is currently taking place in 2517.
Is the Alliance evil?
That is all up for your character(s) to decide.
What is the difference between a bounty hunter and a mercenary?
There is a big difference between the two! A bounty hunter is a class where a character does not work for anyone else but themselves. However, a mercenary is a “soldier for hire” and does work for others rather than themselves. Both classes are able to choose what jobs they want, but bounty hunters tend to have more freedom. However, mercenaries tend to be paid more for they are usually hired by nobility and upper class citizens to get the job done. That tends to vary from job to job though.
What languages are known in the 'Verse?
English and Chinese. Yes, your character may be a specific nationality, but we're going to try to stick with the AU. Where as your character may be German, German is considered a dead language here in the 'Verse.
What is Pandora?
Pandora is a barren planet occupied mostly by criminals and bounty hunters. There are, however, a few poor shanty towns that are usually safe for people to live, but they do still get hit by raiders on occasion. More specific information on Pandora can be found
What is the Bounty Board?
The Bounty Board is a list of jobs that is set up through the Cortex System Network. These jobs and missions are categorized by specific classes such as bounty hunters, mercenaries, mechanics, etc. Characters can sign up for at least one job per Bounty Board. After selecting a job, you may play out the job through a log. It is not mandatory, but highly recommended to do so.
How often will missions and jobs be posted?
The Bounty Board will be posted once a month.
Do we have to log out our job from the Bounty Board?
No. While it is not mandatory, it is highly recommended by the mods to create good CR and keep the game moving.
Can my character hire other characters through the bounty board?
Yes! We highly encourage this actually to start building CR with other characters and to make things interesting. We also suggest you log with those that you hire through the Bounty Board.
What about spaceships? What are they like? Can my character have one?
We're really not going to be picky about ships. If you believe it would fit for your character to own a ship, then go ahead, but please try to use good judgement on this. For example, Zell's family isn't terribly well-off, so he is unable to afford his own spaceship. As far as types of ships go, the show is named after
a Firefly-class transport ship. We're not going to require that you pick a specific type of ship, or describe exactly what it looks like. In general, regular ships are gray and metallic-looking on the outside and not too fancy. Alliance ships look like
ridiculous skyscrapers.
What if I don't have a big enough crew to run a spaceship?
You can still have one! In the Firefly episode "Objects in Space," there is a bounty hunter who travels on his own, so I think it would be safe to say there are spaceships small enough to be run by one or two people, yet still capable of travelling planet-to-planet. However, to travel long distances, these small ships might have to make a few stop-overs.