End of Year fic meme

Dec 31, 2010 16:49

Stolen from lls_mutant and nicole_anell! This was fun last year, so I'll do it again:

** I Am the One and Only
Some things are inevitable. Crossover with Moon (2009), don't read it unless you've seen the movie!

** Primum Non Nocere (The Hippocratic Remix)
Mutiny, memory, and three patients who stayed with an old doctor. A remix of brennanspeaks' Do No Harm.

** Socrata Thrace And Her Special Destiny
They knew Socrata down at the hospital. A remix of frolicndetour's Watercolors.

**Written Off - A 1000-word fic written for a prompt: "Cavil and Boxey".

** Goodnight, Basestar
On New Caprica, Gaius wanted to punish himself. On the Basestar, he wanted to explore. Lucky for him, Aaron Doral was always happy to help... and so was Head Six. Written for millari in the Summer 2010 bsgficexchange.

** The Fall - Cavil drabble written for a prompt: "fall")

** The Unforgiven Ones
John had no one: no family, no friends, and no one to turn to. He clung to the priest because he had nowhere else to go, but as their strange friendship grew, so did his hatred for the rest of humanity... until one lost little boy changed the fate of two civilizations. Written for the 2010 BSG Big Bang.

Leitmotif of the year: Parents and children, BSG style.

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted? Less, I think. I knew I'd write fewer stories than last year, but looking back, I wish I'd made myself write a few more things (though, to be fair, there are two Yuletide fics not (yet) listed).

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2010? Definitely Baltar/Doral. What? It was for a prompt! :P

What's your favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest? I Am the One and Only. I really love the way this one came out; it hits me where it hurts every time I re-read it.

Story of mine most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Definitely Goodnight, Basestar. Spanking and/or Baltar/Doral is apparently a total no-go. Too bad, because there's plenty of humor and thinky-stuff to be had among all the porn.

Most fun story to write: Primum Non Nocere. Cottle is a ton of fun.

Story with the single sexiest moment: Goodnight, Basestar is the only porn I wrote this year, so it wins by default. Although it is quite sexy, if I do say so myself.

Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story: I've mentioned Goodnight, Basestar too many times, so this goes to The Unforgiven Ones. The ending is dark as hell, just the way I like it.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Writing Socrata Thrace And Her Special Destiny gave me a diferent view of Socrata, that's for sure.

Hardest story to write: The Unforgiven Ones. It wasn't all that difficult, actually, but it's definitely the longest, and I had trouble coming in under the deadline.

Easiest story to write: I Am the One and Only. This fic flowed like water.

Best story of the year: The Unforgiven Ones. I knew this was never going to be all that popular, but I think it's a real step forward in terms of writing. It slots together the way my short stories do, but it's a lot longer; that's something I've never quite managed before, as Voice of Reason got a little too spare and choppy near the end. I think it has a lot to say, also.

Truest story of the year: The Unforgiven Ones. Not every truth is a nice one.

Biggest disappointment: The Unforgiven Ones, again. Like I said, I knew this wouldn't be popular -- fics from the perspective of minor characters rarely are, and it doesn't get more minor than the kid from The Plan -- but I was hoping for a little more feedback on this one.

Biggest surprise: The reaction to I Am the One and Only was wonderful. I was expecting that to be unpopular, also, but it got very good reactions from both BSG and Moon fans.

Favorite Title: I Am the One and Only. This works as an apropos title and as an ironic in-joke, assuming you've seen the movie.

Favorite opening line(s):

John Cavil saw his mother for the first and last time in a titty bar on Picon. - The Unforgiven Ones


Socrata Thrace jogged down Red Rose Avenue, her breath steaming in the morning air. She passed the store on the corner, and then old Kostas's house: 7:15, right on time. The trees along the avenue were still dripping, and a puddle had gathered beneath them, but she didn't turn to avoid it. As she passed, more mud sloshed up onto her boots and the cuffs of her sweats. She didn't care.

Mud makes you stronger. - Socrata Thrace And Her Special Destiny

Favorite closing line(s): Too many of these give away everything... so think of these as my favorite closing lines which don't give away everything!

Cottle snorted. He smacked his cigarette pack against his palm, drew one out, and lit it up, curling his hand around the match. "Crazy kids tryin' to save the world," he muttered under his breath. "Like everything else we do isn't enough."

At last, he sighed. "Get some rest, Ishay. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow." - Primum non Nocere


"Goodnight, Gaius," his Six whispered. On the other side of him, Caprica stirred in her sleep, as if roused by a voice that both was and was not hers.

"Goodnight, Basestar," Gaius said. - Goodnight, Basestar

Favorite line(s) from anywhere:

"Who is John?" GERTY asked.

The woman ignored him. She looked around at the base: white walls, green panels, clean, sterile floors. "This has all happened before, GERTY. And it will all happen again."

"What is 'it'?" GERTY asked. "Is 'it' on the base?" He blinked his confused face again. "I can only account for what occurs on the base," he added, but in the moment between his two statements, she had vanished. - I Am the One and Only


Aaron shook his head, crawled up to the headboard, and then fished a lighter and a pack of Sarcomas from his coat pocket. Gaius watched, surprised, as he folded his legs beneath him and lit one up.

"You want a smoke?" he offered, holding the pack out.

"Frak yes," Gaius said. He crawled beside Aaron and sat down. Aaron lit a second cigarette upon his own. Then, in a surprisingly intimate gesture, he tucked it between Gaius' lips.

"I didn't know Cylons smoked," Gaius said, after he'd taken a few drags.

"Depends on the model. The Threes do. The Cavils smoke cigars sometimes, too." He smiled. "They don't like the rest of us to catch them at it." - Goodnight, Basestar


"But it's your job to have faith."

The priest shook his head. "No, it's my job to help other people with their faith. I don't need to be religious to do that; in fact, it'd be a handicap. Think about it. If I truly cared whether or not you're a tiaranom--"

"A taranad."

"Don't interrupt! If I cared whether or not you're a little bastard, I wouldn't be much of a counselor, now would I?" - The Unforgiven Ones


Claudius shifted, waking further. Cavil noticed instantly. The pages stopped their whispering, just for a second, and then the sound of his breathing joined them.

It hadn't been a dream. Not the first time, and not now. Cavil hadn't been breathing. Claudius opened his eyes and looked up at him -- at fierce, sharp eyes, set into a face too old for them, and at the crisp, precise way he made the pages turn.

"Are you a Cylon?" Claudius asked. - The Unforgiven Ones

Five Favorite Scenes:

**The end of I Am the One and Only
**The "mean God" scene in part 3 of The Unforgiven Ones
**The murder scene in The Unforgiven Ones
**The VCW scene in Socrata Thrace And Her Special Destiny
**Cottle and the dying One in Primum non Nocere

Story I haven't yet written, but intend to: This'd be The New Caprica Gentlemen's Social Club. It's a Doral-POV story, part of which I've had on my hard drive since the series was airing; I'm hoping to finish it, possibly for next year's Big Bang.

Goals for next year: Like I said, finishing The New Caprica Gentlemen's Social Club is at the top of the list. Other than that, I'd like to get back into writing a little more... it's tough, since the series is long-gone and fandom seems to be winding down a bit, but I'll do my best. And I still owe Lobselvith a post-All-About-Mathematics story, if I can ever get it to come out right!

Top Five Stories From 2010: Hell, there barely were five. But here they are:

5. Socrata Thrace And Her Special Destiny
4. Goodnight, Basestar
3. Primum non Nocere
2. I Am the One and Only
1. The Unforgiven Ones


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