Doctor Who. Observations and Predictions:
* We saw nearly everyone from this last season except the people who went to sleep with the Silurians.
* Rory gets erased, but someone still manages to revive him from the very instant he died. Huh?
* A giant enemy conspiracy to save the universe? So very, very odd. And stupid. I'm starting to think the key to enjoying a Doctor Who finale is repeating "It's just a show, I should really just relax." Or maybe just, "SUSPEND, DISBELIEF! SUSPEND!"
* We have to see the Doctor go back to visit Amy amidst the Weeping Angels, and possibly to visit Amy as a child. Maybe he gets his "cardigan" from ripping his sleeves escaping the Pandorica.
* The last thing that escapes Pandora's Box was Hope. It wasn't left inside. Gotta remember that.
* Amy's house is big and empty. We've never seen her mother. She's never noticed the Daleks or Cybermen or anything else that has stalked the Earth in the past four years. Did the crack in her wall eat her family? Did she never have one? Is it really Earth where she lives?
* I have a feeling River's going to get erased from history before she ever marries the Doctor. The actress can't get any younger. Either she's the companion next year, or she's gone. And there's just no way to make a pre-ordained marriage interesting to viewers.