My goal when I first started running again was to encourage a friend who had just taken it up. The physical goal was to be able to run a half-marathon distance by the end of February. An injury at the beginning of February side-lined me for a couple of weeks, so I didn't make my initial goal. It wasn't until the beginning of May that I ran 13.1 miles in a single run. I was not really ready for that run and it took a lot out of me. The next couple of weeks any running I did felt like a struggle.
After recovering I set a couple of new goals. First was to improve my speed over long distances. Second was to get the rest of me in better shape. For the first goal I decided I wanted to be able to run six miles in less than an hour. Today I met that goal and will have to come up with a new one. (Any suggestions?)
For the second goal I started doing abdominal exercises. I am sure there is something more effective I could be doing. What I am doing though is 200 sit-ups a day, usually in sets of 50, plus various other exercises that can be accomplished without equipment between sets (push-ups, leg lifts, etc.) Starting to see some results from these exercises but progress is definitely slow.