Hi. Feel free to delete this post as I didn't know any other way of getting a message to you.
Just wanted to say I appreciate you wanting to play with my Logan, however the thread I had going with queenemma was Astonishing canon, specifically talking about Jean's death, so I'm going to delete your post, but I will be putting Logan in Theatrical Muse, so feel free to reply to him there.
Comments 2
Just wanted to say I appreciate you wanting to play with my Logan, however the thread I had going with queenemma was Astonishing canon, specifically talking about Jean's death, so I'm going to delete your post, but I will be putting Logan in Theatrical Muse, so feel free to reply to him there.
My AIM is MeredithGrey, as you probably already know. Didn't mean to freak you or anything. I just like to talk to people. I look forward to RP.
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