Title : A Little Less Conversation
Author: Tom Beaumont of tombeaumontonlj
Recipient: great_gomerel
Pairing: George/Cristina
Rating: PG
Summary: A sleepless Cristina wonders why George seems to be irresistible
Disclaimer: Grey's Anatomy is not mine; I am making no profit. Which is why I don't have Internet access right now...
Tom Sez: Who loves a
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Comments 6
My ex is just dating someone I hate. Yours rebounded into a life-long commitment. It's great to see Bambi dishing it out, for a change. You go into the future and you actually have the characters grow up, which is just fabulous (and sadly uncommon).
Meredith doesn't mind and that bubble brain both made me laugh. I also found Cristina's description of George's special qualities hilarious. It's so true: I mean, how else do you explain how much that boy gets around? (He's slept with more SGH women than Alex. Um, seriously?)
Thank you SO much. This was delicious.
This was actually a do-over for me...the original story was much darker and sadder, and for some reason, I didn't like it very much. (Maybe 'cause it was darker and sadder? I dunno.)
So I decided to give them a much more tender circumstance, and let it unfold from there. I was blown away by what ended up on the page, and also delighted.
Again, I am glad you liked it. Thank you very much!
A G/C pairing was something I was toying with...and I'm glad I threw out my original concept and went with something sweeter...
Thanks for the kind words!
Knowing that other people have read it and liked it as well is an additional treat.
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