The Basics
Name: Julianna Belle.
Age: Nineteen.
Gender: Femme.
Location: Pittsburgh, PA.
Your Weaknesses: Inability to stand up for myself or tell others how I really feel, schizophrenia.
Your Strengths: Compassion, and and overall deep caring nature.
Your Talents: I can write, draw, and almost sing.
Favourite Colour(s) and why? Black, because it is beautiful and deep and rich and you can just stare into it forever, also sums up how I feel most of the time; pink, because I can be girly and it's pretty, and it goes so well with black.
Favourite Place(s) and why? Pittsburgh, because I grew up here and it is my home, and I just love it so much; New York City, which is the most amazing and magical city in the world.
Favourite Movie(s) and why? RENT, because of the beauty and the passion, and it almost always makes me cry. Also The Hours, because of the way it's done, and the characters, and the stories and how they all make sense together, and how accurate it is to the book.
Favourite Book(s) and why? White Oleander by Janet Fitch, because it is so beautifully written, has an amazing main character, and a good storyline. (And, for the love of god, do NOT see that terrible movie!) I am also a fan of the Harry Potter series and Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, because of how they are written, as well as the fact that I am a dork.
Favourite Television Show(s) and why? Friends, because it can always make me laugh; The O.C., because of the drama and the stories; House, because of the wonderful sarcastic wit; Ghost Whisperer, because it is so drmatic and powerful and can always make me cry; Grey's Anatomy (obviously), because of the great characters, and how I feel I can relate to many of them, and the wonderful stories, and again with the drama, and the ocassional line that will make me laugh.
Favourite Food(s) and why? Chinese and Ethiopian. I love exotic flavours. Also, most things vegetarian, as I do not eat meat.
GA Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why? Either Meredith or George, because I adore them both, and I find them both to be very relatable.
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? Probably George, because he's just so darned sweet and cute.
Which relationship would you choose out of those on the show? Why? Burke and Cristina, because they just seem to work so well together.
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? Tell some people how much I love them, finally tell some other people how much they've hurt me and how much I dislike them/can't trust them, and then take my friends and family out and have a lot of fun.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family: Love, family, money, self, power.
Promote the community in one place and show us the link. Vote on atleast one other app. (Just state the name of who you voted on) Autumn (
Do you mind what gender you are stamped as? Nein.
Anything else you'd like to share with the class? I have a photo!