new intern

Aug 28, 2006 10:43

The Basics
Name: Jenn
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Location: Spokane, Washington
Your Weaknesses: grey's anatomy, the beatles, not asking for help when i need it, not self motivated, quick to emotion, food network
Your Strengths: writing papers for school at the last minute and getting perfect scores on them, cooking, able to take control of a situation, passionate, compassionate
Your Talents: cooking, writing

Favorite Color(s) and why? green. . .i have no idea why that's my favorite color. . .i think when i was younger, i liked it because it was my sister's favorite color and i looked up to her. Now, i just like it. it's the color of my eyes.

Favorite Place(s) and why? Spokane. Because it's where my husband and I make our home and go to school.
Favorite Movie(s) and why? The Notebook, V for Vendetta . . .these movies touched me. The Notebook because it portrayed that sort of soul stirring love that conquers all, and V for Vendetta because it it evoked the same sort of goosebumps for me when i got done watching it.
Favorite Book(s) and why? Leaves of Grass , by Walt Whitman, because he manages to capture the essence of humanity perfectly.
Favorite Television Show(s) and why? Grey's Anatomy. The writing and acting are phenomenal.
Favorite Food(s) and why? vietnamese food. because i love cooking it.

GA Related
Which character (no matter how obscure) would you like to be your best friend? Why? Bailey. Because, even though she seems hard to get to know, once you're her friend, she'll be loyal to a fault and always be honest.
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? Dr. McDreamy! One major reason: the way he looks at Meredith.
Which relationship would you choose out of those on the show? Why? The relationship between George and Izzie. . .like brother and sister. Who wouldn't want a relationship like that?

Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? have sex with my husband for most of the day and then cook us our favorite meal.
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family
Love, Family, Self, Money, Power

Promote the community in one place and show us the link. (promo banners are in the userinfo)
Vote on atleast one other app. (Just state the name of who you voted on) lost_spacecase
Do you mind what gender you are stamped as? no.
Anything else you'd like to share with the class? nope.


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